Kamis, 23 April 2015

PDF Download Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

PDF Download Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

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Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

PDF Download Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

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Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas

Product details

Paperback: 216 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning PTR; 3 edition (March 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 159863268X

ISBN-13: 978-1598632682

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

64 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#122,598 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is the book my instructor at California College of the Arts uses for the Ideation Sketching course. This book teaches you the 'why' and 'how' of design sketching. The book gets a little wordy at the end, but the beginning has a wonderful process for developing your sketches, based on the concept of drawing perfect cubes, then adding and subtracting, to get your final object. This book also includes simple instructions on shading and drop shadows. Whether you are designing products, buildings, interiors or landscapes, this book has you covered, with examples pulled from all of those fields.Anecdotally, I have been told this book is better than the newer versions. I cannot verify that, since I haven't seen the newer versions. I do, however, highly recommend this version.If you are a designer and need to draw, this book is for you. While I cannot stress enough that this book works better with an instructor, there is a great deal of value here for folks who are self-taught too.

I just ordered an additional copy of this great book for one of my drawing students and felt compelled to pen a review, especially when I was shocked to see 1 and 2 star reviews. However, the explanation was obvious when I saw Amazon's description. It is not, remotely "A lighthearted approach to developing the fundamental skills of drawing". It has nothing to do with classical drawing technique. It is what the subtitle says it is- "A Visual Approach to Thinking, Learning, and Communicating". This is about drawing as a super-powerful ideation and communication skill set, NOT about making pretty pictures (though, nothing wrong with that- the one star review guy's recommended books are for that).I'm a scholastically trained industrial designer, Center for Creative Studies in Detroit. I design museum and trade show exhibitry as well as traditional and computer graphic work and, in addition, am a classically trained painter. You can see my work at robertstotts.com. What this book, along with Rapid Viz, around which my very first summer class at CCS was built, provides a platform of how to use drawing to explore and convey ideas in a terrifically simple and playful style. It gives you just what you need of perspective, value control, composition, and the other base tenants of classical drawing so that you know what your doing as a communicator. The beauty of this approach is exactly what the one star guy slammed it for, the reality that you don't have to be Leonardo Da Vinci before you can, not only enjoy drawing, but use it really effectively in communicating ideas, designs, and all sorts of concepts.What I was using Draw! for last night at my class was helping a young couple get their feet wet in drawing via some of the fun exercises like one starting a doodle, and the other visualizing a shape in it and completing it, or inventing fun, freeform fish of all shapes, to practice the body mechanics of drawing from the big arm joints, elbow and shoulder, rather than the fingers and wrist to get fluid confident lines. Instead of stressing and beating themselves in frustration for not being able to "do" it right, they had a fun, uplifting experience while developing truly legitimate skills that will aid them in classical drawing when we move to that.Without question, the biggest problem that I have as a drawing/painting teacher is convincing adult students that the study is about fun, validating the legitimacy of their creativity, and enjoying a truly personal self-exploration, not "fixing the problem of being bad at art". Books such as Draw! and Rapid Viz, in addition to being terrific for giving not-artist a great communication tool set, are terrific as a get-out-of-your head portal into drawing and all visual arts. After 30 years as a full time professional commercial and fine artist, I still really enjoy the learning, style, and sketches in these books. Highest recommendation.

The title's meaning is self-evident but the potential value of what can be learned from Kurt Hanks and Larry Belliston in this book is not. First published in 1980 and now available in a Third Edition (2006) that some view as inferior to its predecessor (1990), this book is based on the same core assumption that Dan Roam's three books are: the quality and clarity of ideas can be increased and improved by illustrating them. If you have no ideas, you need other sources of assistance. If you have difficulty articulating your ideas with words, Hanks and Bellistin can prepare you to express yourself visually and that, in turn, will strengthen your verbal skills. The techniques and skills that Rapid Viz approach requires are introduced in this book, and thoroughly explained, accompanied by exercises that can help you to develop them.In their Introduction, Hanks and Belliston explain the objectives and guidelines used to develop their book as well as the goals of the Rapid Viz method, once that was fine-tuned during several decades of application and modification. They also suggest what their reader ("student") needs to get started: a pencil and/or felt-tip pen ("Use whatever you want as long as it's simple, cheap, and you can carry it in your pocket or purse at all times"), perhaps multi-colored felt-tip pens and/or pencils, perhaps an eraser and/or ruler, sheets of some regular bond paper, a pad of 14" X 17" tracing paper.At this point, I presume to suggest that you consider a sketchbook with blank pages and have it nearby as you complete various exercises within the book. Why? Sooner and more often than you may now expect, completing the process of instruction that Hanks and Belliston follow will generate stimulate your thoughts and feelings as well as images associated with them. You need to record notes, comments, and illustrations (however simple). As you learn more about the process, and as you strengthen your skills, you will also develop an "eye" that will recognize your progress over time. My personal preference is for the Pro Art Sketch Book (5.5" X 8", 220 Pages) that I purchase through Amazon for $5.94 plus shipping.With regard to the exercises within Chapters 1-6 and the additional exercises in Appendix A, most of them can be completed within the book. There may be a few that you wish to complete several times, hence the need for the sheets of paper and a blank-pages notebook, if you have one. Practice may not make perfect but it can certainly support improvement. However, practice with discipline and purpose. As Hanks and Belliston point out, "The exercises attempt to restrict your freedom temporarily. Tight restrictions as to what is drawn, how long to take, and so forth make drawing easier during the early stages of the learning process. Set you own tight goals. Too many choices breed confusion and non-performance. Decide specifically what to do and do it."Two final points. First, with regard to "rapid," make haste slowly. Rapid Viz really is a progressive process. Also, the value of this book will be determined almost entirely by the quality and extent of attention and effort you commit to the learning opportunities that Kurt Hanks and Larry Belliston offer.

This book is a true classic. It's written in just the style I like, in a "here's the straight dope" style, no pretense. The first edition was required reading when I was an undergrad studying product design, and I ordered this version for my kids to learn from. Doesn't disappoint!!

I loved this book when I first read it many years ago. I wanted a copy of my own, and I'm enjoying re-reading it with the added perspective of a decade. First read a library copy, made notes, and incorporated some ideas in my personal note-taking, and in teaching students to take notes that are easier to recall. Good stuff!

Great introductory book for drawing, it really comes down to practice!!

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Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas PDF

Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas PDF

Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas PDF
Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas PDF

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