Minggu, 25 Januari 2015


Ebook Free Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare

To deal with this condition, many other people also try to get this book as their reading now. Are you interested? Pick this best book to offer today, we offer this book for you because it’s a kind of amazing book from professional and experienced author. Becoming the good friend in your lonely without giving boredom is the characteristic of Searching For Unique: A Traveller's Guide To Extraordinary Experiences, By Nancy O'Hare that we present in this website.

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare

Ebook Free Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare

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To deal with this condition, many other people also try to get this book as their reading now. Are you interested? Pick this best book to offer today, we offer this book for you because it’s a kind of amazing book from professional and experienced author. Becoming the good friend in your lonely without giving boredom is the characteristic of Searching For Unique: A Traveller's Guide To Extraordinary Experiences, By Nancy O'Hare that we present in this website.

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare


Certainly a keeper...Searching for Unique, O'Hare's second book is a sincere effort at creating a well-informed travel to remote, challenging places. The matter-of-fact narrative takes readers to heartwarming journey across exotic lands while exploring different social causes: affordable housing, cost of living, and children's education in developing countries among others. The stunning black and white pictures are a treat to the eyes. The Prairies Book ReviewOnce again Nancy O'Hare transports you to destinations you may not even dream of. It is gratifying that these adventures invoking treks, festivals and fallen kingdoms to name a few are so thoughtfully recounted. To quote from a chapter in Rare Festivals: " I felt like I had fallen into another world, a valley where arts, tradition and a little bit of modern technology blended together." Nancy's unique stories will take you chapter by chapter through these communities and landscapes and will give you a different perspective to your interactions in your next travels. Searching for Unique was just that, a compilation that threads together Nancy's travels in a way that allows you to pick up any chapter and immerse yourself in her next adventure. Not only that, Nancy provides invaluable information at the end of each story in hopes that this may be a jumping off point in your own 'search for unique'.Nancy McNair, travel lover and marketing enthusiast

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About the Author

Nancy O'Hare is the author of Dust in My Pack and Searching for Unique. After a twenty-year career living and working around the world, O'Hare now writes about our exciting planet and its most unique places. She has travelled to over seventy countries and lived across five continents alongside her husband whose photography exposes remarkable landscapes and intriguing cultures. Together, they have transitioned from a corporate career to pursue their creative pursuits. Through her writing, she explores our planet, one country at a time.O'Hare's love for nature and cultures is revealed in narratives pulled from all seven continents. Destinations are structured into themes, such as trekking and ancient sites. Inspire your inner traveller with her refreshing perspective on little-known destinations.

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Product details

Paperback: 330 pages

Publisher: Bynancyo (November 22, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1775039064

ISBN-13: 978-1775039068

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#8,655,901 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The author has a plethora of travel stories to share with the reader, but I’m not sure this should be read cover to cover like I did. It is more a guide, a coffee table book and the book blurb describes it well as “bite-sized narratives and on-the-ground travel advice.” The photos inside are exceptional as well, and add to the sense of place. The narratives do have good descriptions of the diverse places this book takes you, but the stories didn’t move me, didn’t have a beginning, middle, and end to truly allow me to sit back and be carried along into armchair travels.Perhaps that is not the point of the book however, and it is full of practical advice for planning similar trips to those that O’Hare has done. While I would have liked a lot more engaging storytelling, Searching for Unique is good for flipping through and learning about some new places to travel and travel experiences to perhaps try out yourself.

Again, Nancy O'Hare takes her readers to little-visited, often ignored places round the globe. Each essay is short, giving a glimpse of what the traveler will find, just enough to whet one’s appetite. In this volume, most of her destinations are Asian, and, for me, they were all new. Her books are particularly valuable because they demonstrate that travelers need not be captives of travel agencies and their itineraries. She confirms my thought that there are few, if any, places on earth one cannot visit, given sufficient will and resources.

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare PDF
Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare EPub
Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare Doc
Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare iBooks
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Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare Kindle

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare PDF

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare PDF

Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare PDF
Searching for Unique: A Traveller's Guide to Extraordinary Experiences, by Nancy O'Hare PDF

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015


Download PDF Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

Discover the technique of doing something from numerous resources. Among them is this publication qualify Black Letter Outline On Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) It is a very well recognized publication Black Letter Outline On Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) that can be suggestion to review currently. This suggested publication is one of the all wonderful Black Letter Outline On Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) collections that are in this site. You will certainly likewise find other title and motifs from different authors to search here.

Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

Download PDF Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

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Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines)

Product details

Series: Black Letter Outlines

Paperback: 359 pages

Publisher: West Academic Publishing; 6 edition (December 11, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0314290990

ISBN-13: 978-0314290991

Package Dimensions:

8.4 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,070,750 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Took the antitrust course of Professor Hovenkamp, and bought the book for final. The content is really clear and easy to understand, very helpful.

Opened the book for the first time and the first 20 pages fell out. Huge disappointment, terrible quality.

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Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) PDF

Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) PDF
Black Letter Outline on Antitrust (Black Letter Outlines) PDF

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015


PDF Ebook , by Louis De Bernieres

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, by Louis De Bernieres

, by Louis De Bernieres

, by Louis De Bernieres

PDF Ebook , by Louis De Bernieres

Preparing the books to read everyday is enjoyable for many people. Nevertheless, there are still lots of people that also do not like reading. This is an issue. However, when you can support others to begin analysis, it will be much better. One of the books that can be recommended for brand-new readers is , By Louis De Bernieres This publication is not kind of tough book to read. It can be checked out and also recognize by the new visitors.

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, by Louis De Bernieres

Product details

File Size: 1592 KB

Print Length: 437 pages

Publisher: Vintage (October 17, 2012)

Publication Date: October 17, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#125,923 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book was recommended to me when I was in the American Book Store in Paris. At the time he said that its a book that you will not put down. When I first tried to read it and put it down and go back to it. Then I was so involved in the story, in the characters that I could not put it down. He told me when he recommended it that it might take a few starts. He was on target. When you choose to spend a few hours in the world of Captain Correlli you will want to share this book with people that you really care about since it is soo special. Its a book to reread. Don't watch the movie,its alien to the book. when I was on the last page, I thought what could match this now as a most incredible read. For a while nothing. It stays with you. you care about the characters and I laughed I cried was sad and its in my bookcase as Captain Correlli's Mandolin and as Corelli's Mandolin. the US and bought in Paris copies. Writing this review perhaps its time to open it again.

This has to be the best book I have read this year. DeBernieres has woven a masterpiece out of words that flow into each other in what I can only call poetic philosophy. It has all the elements that I want in a book: historical fiction, varied and intriguing points of view expounded by unforgettable characters, , comedy, tragedy, deep love, loss, despair and redemption.I love a book that truly stretches my knowledge of history, touches chords of recognition over and over, and sends me to the dictionary often. I have read a lot over 55 years and pride myself on having an extensive vocabulary which I actually use on a daily basis, but Dr Bernieres challenged me to to a fuel of verbal pyrotechnics which he invariably won.The story centers on the Greek island of Cephalonia from the thirties to the nineties, focusing on the constant stream of invaders and catastrophes suffered by the tenacious population. But it's not just the story that grabs you; it's the way the story is told. There are sections of stream of consciousness writing, almost prose poetry, that sucked me into a vortex of thought that I found impossible to pull out of until the author finished and let go of my mind. I know I sound a bit pompous and grandiose, but I feel a deep connection to this book. In some ways it reminded me of Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose without the medieval whodunit aspect, but rather shares with that book a eloquence and profundity of thought. If you're looking for an easy read, this is not the book for you, but if you love to get lost in a book while following the flow of an interesting mind, you must experience this imaginative creation.

Corelli's Mandolin is a passionate, inventive, funny, and extravagant novel. Set on the Ionian island of Cephallonia in Greece during the Second World War, the novel is largely the story of the local physician, Dr. Iannis, and his attractive, but willful, daughter Pelagia. The story follows Pelagia’s first love with Mandras, a local fisherman who leaves to fight in the war. Soon after, Cephallonia is invaded by Italian soldiers. An Italian captain, Antonio Corelli, is assigned to live in their home, where he soon begins a romantic intrigue with Pelagia. The novel has a long list of eccentric and engaging minor characters: Carlo, the secretively gay soldier, the strong man Velisarios, the wonderfully curious Lemoni, and Pelagia’s pet pine marten, Psipsina. Some of these characters even carry their own storyline.Although it could be called a historical romance, Corelli's Mandolin is also a biting political satire. It chronicles the horrors and absurdity of war, as well as the boredom of occupation. It abounds with all the grand topics of literature. De Bernières is a master of the written word and a gifted storyteller. There are rich characterizations and witty dialogue; at times I laughed out loud. However the book is not without problems. The introduction seems long and disjointed (Captian Corelli doesn’t show up until you’re a third of the way through the story), and the ending seems drawn-out and unpersuasive. However, if you will patiently wait and you’re your way through, a story well worth reading emerges.

Usually we read a book, and, if we enjoy it, we go see the movie when it comes out. Often we are disappointed with the movie. In this case I saw the movie before I read this book. I loved the movie but was hesitant about Mr. De Bernieres, having read somewhere that he was something of a surrealist, and I prefer straight storytelling. "Corelli's Mandolin" is a wonder of a book: full of great characters, a beautifully described setting, and lots of tension and conflict. Dr. Iannis lives on the island of Cephallonia with his daughter Pelagia, who serves as his housekeeper and apprentice. She is engaged to a local fisherman who is going off to fight the Italians in Albania. With the help of the Germans, the Italians are defeated in Albania, and the Italians, Captain Antonio Corelli among them, occupy the island. Corelli is billeted in Dr. Iannis's house and soon Pelagia and he fall in love. When the Italians surrender to the Allies, the Germans take control of the island the Italians are massacred , but Corelli survives and the Greeks help him escape. The last third of the book tells Pelagia's story after Corelli leaves. She never marries and has a hard, uncertain life. It is only when she has reached old age that Corelli returns to find her. This last part of the book is not as good as the first two thirds. It is told in narrative summary as you would read in a history book. If I were the author I think I would have ended "Corelli's Mandolin" when he escaped from Cephallonia, and written a second novel about Pelagia's life afterward. That way he would have the room to tell her story fully with characters and dialogue and immediate scenes. It is easy to see why none of this made it into the movie. Despite this criticism, I fully recommend "Corelli's Mandolin".

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, by Louis De Bernieres PDF
, by Louis De Bernieres PDF

Download PDF Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback

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Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback

Download PDF Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback

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Everybody has their means to enjoy reading; it is not just for clever individuals. Many individuals likewise read guide because nothing. Juts intend to take result from updated ideas and also thought, perhaps! It may be also the means just how they worry about the visibility of the new ideas of amusing system. Evaluating the book for everybody will be distinctive. Some may think that Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, By Leslie Bilderback is extremely straight, yet some will truly take pleasure in reading it.

To get what you actually want to make, reading this publication can be attained every single time you have chance to check out. Yeah, reading is a needs to from everyone, not only when you are remaining in the college. Reading will certainly make you wiser and also better in expertise as well as lessons. Many experiences can be likewise gotten from reviewing only. So, be smart to obtain all those take advantage of Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, By Leslie Bilderback to read and also end up.

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback


“What could be more fun than making a superfast delicious cake in a CUP? Mug cakes! The concept is utterly unintimidating! As a pastry chef I appreciate what a brilliant idea Leslie Bilderback has hatched---easy recipes that promise sweet comfort and instant reward. There's room for creativity in her quick delectable recipes. Grab a cup and make a cake!” ―Janet Rikala Dalton, former executive pastry chef of Wolfgang Puck's Postrio and dessert consultant

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About the Author

LESLIE BILDERBACK is a Certified Master Baker and a graduate of the California Culinary Academy. She began her career as a pastry chef, and played a major role in several of California's most well-regarded and innovative restaurants, including Sedona, Postrio, Zola's, Angeli, and Georgia. She is also the author of eight books in The Complete Idiot's Guide and Everything series. Leslie has been profiled by The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Culinary Trends Magazine, and was a winner in season three of Food Network's Sweet Genius.

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Product details

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin; First Edition edition (August 6, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781250026583

ISBN-13: 978-1250026583

ASIN: 125002658X

Product Dimensions:

7.6 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

144 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#103,909 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Person that received this book is happy

The pros:The recipes work and they make 2 individual sized cakes - great for those of us who are on perpetual diets and need built in portion control;They're fast. You can have your cake and eat it, too, in less than 20 minutes. Exactly what you need for those late night "I will kill someone if I don't have chocolate now!" cravings.Great for young kids since the oven isn't needed. Even better for college dorm denizens.The cons:These don't sit well. Like all microwave "baked" products, they get rubbery and tough the longer they sit. They need to be eaten immediately for best results.Any toppings, like icings, are going to melt, since, if you wait until your cakelet cools, you will have a rubbery tough cake.You don't save much time. You still need to gather, then put away ingredients, and you still need to do dishes, although you don't need to wash anything large like a stand mixer or beaters. It just seems to me like a lot of work to get everything together, then put everything away and clean up, all for 2 tiny cakes.I plan to try the recipes again, but this time bake them using ramekins in a regular oven and a toaster oven to see how they come out.*Addendum: I tried them in the oven in ramekins, baked for 20 minutes at 350F. Perfect! Also, the recipes double very easily. I'm raising my review from 3 to 4 stars.

As with many cookbooks, this one is a starting point for the baker to take it and run his/her own learning course. In reading other reviews, ranging from "cakes were awful," to "cakes were delicious," I was curious what I would find. I've tried several recipes with mixed results, but blaming my interaction with my microwave more than the recipes. I've learned that working with a variable such as a microwave, cake results are going to be inconsistent. The baker has to be willing to experiment with baking times according to the microwave used. I started my mug cake recipe experiments with the lowest baking times suggested and found even those were too long for my microwave, a big, high-powered built-in model. Reducing the time and or the power, gave better results. I like the idea of making individual desserts and will be playing with more of these recipes in the microwave, and also giving them a try in a regular oven. Buy this book only if you're willing to consider it a starting point for your own mug cake experiments!

As a college student, I found this to be very handy. I have been using these recipes almost two years and I love how easy they are and that I don't have to make excess cake that I might or might not eat. One of my favorite features is the adaptations and tips it gives for gluten free, vegan, nut free, or dairy free recipes. It is great for entertaining! However, before you buy, you must know that these recipes are essentially mini-recipes with all of the same ingredients as a full sized cake, but in smaller quantities. Also, each recipe makes two cakes, since you can't really easily split an egg in half. I found that it was easier for me to keep applesauce around than to keep eggs (dorm life is not conducive to using a lot of eggs), so I substituted 1/4 cup of applesauce for each egg that was needed. I actually liked the mug cakes better with applesauce, as it was more moist. With that being said, I would thoroughly recommend this product! This particular purchase was for friends as graduation gifts along with some measuring spoons/cups and a pretty large mug. Any recent grad would be lucky to get this as a gift.

Truly tempting creations. I appreciate the recipes are from scratch...not using box mixes. Have nothing against mixes except I sometimes don't want that many of one flavor, nor do I want to store multiple partially used pkgs of mix. Nothing seems complicated and there is quite a diversity. Great addition to my cookbook collection.

Zowie!! If you love quick treats and there are only one or two of you in the house...this is the perfect dessert book for you!! All homemade, no preservatives, lots of variety that is soooo yummy!! I got this yesterday and made two random mug cakes because I had the ingredients right at hand without going into the pantry to search: The devil's food mug cake was to die for (I put a marshmallow on top and let it melt) and the blondie mug bar...both were SPECTACULAR. Me, my daughter and my son-in-law could not believe how rich and good they both were and how easy and quick to make them. This cookbook will stay on the shelf in the kitchen for sure!

This beautiful book is loaded with recipes and photos of "mug cakes", a tiny version of a full-sized cake you easily make in a mug in your microwave oven. Whatta thought! I give Leslie Bilderback huge cudos for the idea. Her cakes are so tempting, the recipes don't include any oddball ingredients, & what could be easier than blending batter in a mug, then pop it in the "nuker".After trying several recipes that resulted in gummy cakes I nailed the sweet spot time-wise to produce a perfect cake texture. Absolutely yummy results!

My 12 year old son has Autism, and I want to know that he can follow directions in cookbooks, so he can be independent later in life. He's very motivated by desserts, so we bought this book for his first culinary attempts. He LOVED it! He and his therapist would make a mug cake twice a week, trying new recipes as they went. He was so proud of his creations that he would save part of his cake to share with his Dad. The recipes were quick and easy. The ones I got a taste of were quite good. I think this book would make a great first time cook book for kids and be equally nice for singles or couples as each recipe makes two mug cakes.

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback PDF
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback EPub
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback Doc
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback iBooks
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback rtf
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback Mobipocket
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback Kindle

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback PDF

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback PDF

Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback PDF
Mug Cakes: 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, by Leslie Bilderback PDF

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015


Get Free Ebook An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

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An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

Get Free Ebook An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

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An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley

Product details

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Lorenz Books; 1/17/13 edition (February 16, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0754823873

ISBN-13: 978-0754823872

Product Dimensions:

9.5 x 1 x 12 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

67 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#86,630 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was pleasantly surprised by this volume. Both the quality of the art and details are superb. There is enough background, without getting too weighty, but still managing to run the gamut through the different eras, and the major opposition to Roman rule in several regions, as well.After a few days with the product the quality of the printing (most notably color for the interior art) and binding seems excellent, at least no fault detected so far.A wonderful and evocative piece to add to your library on the topic, or to start you off on the subject.

As a fan of Roman military study, this book appealed to me as it also covered Rome's enemies throughout her existence. The information is adequate and in abundance. The illustrations were lovely, detailed, and gave a good visual description of the corresponding textual context. I recommend anyone looking to expand their knowledge on Rome and her enemies and their uniforms will be satisfied.

This is very detailed, comprehensive, and is more of a text for scholars and true enthusiasts than anyone just coming in. The pictures are extensive, and this is clearly written by historians for historians. I can't really say I have complaints on it.

Excellent painting guide for this period in history. It would have been very useful when I was painting 25mm lead figures of this historical period. But, better a little later than never.

Really great book with excellent illustrations remeniscent of the late great Angus McBride. Great coverage from the foundation of Rome to the fall of Constantinople. A great overview of the period.

A good overview of the history of the Roman army and it's enemies. The illustrations are good and the commentary is clear and succinct. It covers (briefly) the organization, weapons and equipment of Rome, including the Eastern Empire and their enemies. It also covers battles, sieges and the Navy. I wish that I had this book many years ago. My library would be a little bit smaller.

super book , great illos. with the exception that they were computer generated and had faces of anyones next door nieghbor,. and most information is correct , i did see one mistake in the uniforms, they have a mounted companion of alexander the greats catagorised as a gaul or celt, wierd or no proof reading / editing . i would recomend this book for the purpose im using it for , painting 28mm early republic, and imperial roman armies. sweet!!

Wonderful guide that covers just about everyone from the era. Fantastic resource for painting miniature figures, or just to browse through.

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley PDF
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley EPub
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley Doc
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley iBooks
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley rtf
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley Mobipocket
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley Kindle

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley PDF

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley PDF

An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley PDF
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Uniforms of the Roman World: A Detailed Study of the Armies of Rome and Their Enemies, Including the Etruscans, ... Gauls, Huns, Sassaids, Persians and Turks, by Kevin F. Kiley PDF

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