Senin, 18 Maret 2013


Download PDF The Beach House, by James Patterson

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The Beach House, by James Patterson

The Beach House, by James Patterson

The Beach House, by James Patterson

Download PDF The Beach House, by James Patterson

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The Beach House, by James Patterson Review

James Patterson and Peter de Jonge's The Beach House opens with the death of a handsome townie on Memorial Day weekend in the Hamptons, where being a single-digit millionaire is laughable and being poor is unthinkable. Peter Mullen is a high school dropout who parks cars at the private bashes of the superwealthy Barry and Campion Neubauer. When Peter is found dead on the beach, the Neubauers and their friends insist that he drowned, but his brother Jack, a law student who saw Peter's body, knows he was beaten to death. As Jack uncovers evidence of his brother's secret life, he begins to realize that the very rich are indeed different from the rest of us. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Jack's patiently plotted payback for Peter's death is one that the Hamptons will not soon forget. There are no big surprises in The Beach House, but it's vintage Patterson, with plenty of action, villains with hearts blacker than obsidian, and a working-class hero who pulls himself up by the bootstraps. Patterson and de Jonge previously coauthored the inspirational golf romance Miracle on the 17th Green, but this new game of money, mayhem, and murder clearly suits them to a tee. --Barrie Trinkle

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From Publishers Weekly

atterson's second coauthored novel of the year (after the current bestseller 2nd Chance, written with Andrew Gross) is a relatively rare stand-alone for this immensely popular writer. Unlike some of Patterson's stand-alones, however, including the most recent, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas, this doesn't move Patterson into new territory: it's a slick, vastly enjoyable yet far-fetched thriller i.e., typical Patterson. Its hero is a Columbia University law student, Jack Mullen, who's out to avenge the death of his younger brother, Peter, found dead on the Amagansett, L.I., property of the immensely wealthy Neubauer family, a few miles from Jack and Peter's Montauk home. The cops say Peter drowned; a glance at the corpse tells Jack that his brother was beaten to death. The rest of the novel traces Jack's efforts, with the help of a female private eye/love interest, plus his elderly grandfather and a band of Montauk locals, to prove that Peter was murdered and that billionaire Barry Neubauer played a role in his demise. Arrayed against Jack are a tough cop, high-placed lawyers and a sadistic killer all owned by Neubauer money. Jack's diggings lead to evidence not only of Peter's murder but of its part in a coverup involving sexual scandal and blackmail; to get the justice that's denied them, Jack and his friends take the law into their own hands, kidnapping Neubauer and his cohorts and trying them in a kangaroo court whose proceedings they broadcast on TV. Smooth as a vanilla milk shake and no more sophisticated, written in 113 short chapters that won't tax anyone's attention span, this is smart, market-savvy, populist entertainment. (On sale June 10)Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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Product details

Hardcover: 464 pages

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition (June 10, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780316969680

ISBN-13: 978-0316969680

ASIN: 0316969680

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

606 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#317,742 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Jane Green tends to write write fluffy beach reads, the sort of books that get turned into equally fluffy TV movies.And in "The Beach House," she links together a series of storylines that could have easily made up their own books, with a warm'n'fuzzy sentimental core in an ancient Nantucket house. Unfortunately it begins to come unravelled about halfway through, and some of those storylines simply rush to the finish line without bothering to spin up a satisfactory conclusion.Eccentric widow Nan Powell is faced with selling her beloved old house Windermere, with its memories of her beloved albeit gambling-addicted hubby. The alternative: take in boarders for money, and fend off the developers who want to tear down Windermere for McMansions.At about this time, her son Michael returns home after an ill-fated affair with his boss's clingy wife, who now wants a commitment from him. And among the boarders are Daff, a newly-divorced wife and mother who is seeking "herself," and Daniel, a nervy young man who has just realized that he is gay, and is struggling to deal with this. His young wife Bee, who is understandably upset by her husband's distance, is still ignorant of this.As time winds on -- and the developers circle around Nan's run-down mansion -- the various people begin to relax and open up to each other, like members of a family. But then a series of crises hit -- Bee's father is badly injured, Daff's daughter is arrested, and Michael's desperate former lover shows up with some shocking news for him (yes, you can probably guess what). And even Nan is faced with an old face from her past, who she thought was gone forever...."The Beach House" has more than enough plot -- any of its subplots would make a decent novel, and Green winds together a series of them with some tenuous links. Jewelry stores, yuppie marriage counseling, and an empty house post-divorce are all explored in detail, as the characters' lives start spinning out of control. And she tackles some of the nastier aspects of adultery and moving on, such as disaster dates and a tantrum-throwing teenager.But when all the characters get to Nantucket, Green seems to lose some of her inspiration. She rushes through the last quarter of the book after a leisurely build-up. And she seems vaguely embarrassed by the prospect of a big emotional scene -- big shattering events are dealt with via a phone call, a horrifying betrayal is handled by a few sniping comments and general shunning. One character even conveniently expires to avoid dealing with the general baggage.This is particularly troublesome in Daniel's story -- his coming-out and tentative explorations into the gay subculture is both wrenching and intriguing, as you wonder what this loving father will do to avoid hurting his wife and kids. But once he's out'n'proud, then Green shies away from actually dealing with it, or with his attraction to the conveniently hunky Matt. The drippy "let's not have sex because I want a commitment" scene is simply absurd.As for the characters, they're a mixed bag. Nan is the biggest problem -- she's not really eccentric, and she's not really nurturing. Yet Green has her randomly flip-flop between being an eccentric old free spirit, and being an earth mother-type. Not that it's very plausible that her tomato garden could instantly turn a spoiled, shrieking, shoplifting regressed teenager into a little angel overnight.On the other hand, Daniel and Bee are explored with painful, beautiful detail, as he struggles to deal with his homosexuality and she struggles with the revelations about what their marriage was, and where this leaves her as a desirable woman. Too bad Michael is an insensitive and self-absorbed jerk who strings along a married woman until she ditches her hubby, and Daff loses her tragic wronged-woman dimensions as soon as she shrugs off Michael's adulterous liaison. Who cares if that's the sort of thing that broke up her marriage? He's hot and has tight abs!"The Beach House" has potential and plot to burn, but the rushed final lap and a couple puttered-out storylines leave you frustrated. Here's hoping the next try is longer and more passionate.

Let me start by saying that I used to be a huge Patterson fan. However, the more prolific he became, the less I enjoyed the novels. Most are written alongside another writer and I’ve felt many times that the other writer is doing the”heavy lifting”, while Patterson just puts his name on the cover (and once he does that, the books become instant hits). I’ve bought books from the authors who write with Patterson (Andrew Gross, for one, is a wonderful writer). I would recommend HIS books, and I enjoy them more than the collective efforts with Patterson. Also, I can’t afford to read all Patterson, all the time. That being said, I got this book for $2.99 from Amazon. It was a great, if improbable, storyline. Kept me reading nonstop until I finished. Moved me to tears once or twice. A great adventure! Definitely worth the money and the time to read it; it’s an excellent summer book!

Another blockbuster for James Patterson!The twists and turns will leave you dizzy.Jack is determined to get to the bottom of his brother's death, but the answers he finds are unsettling, to say the least!With all the odds against him, Jack is determined to bring his brother's killer to justice, but when even the police stonewall him, how can he prove his brother didn't drown, but was in fact, murdered?The ending will have you at the edge of your seat.

I really enjoyed another great book by James Patterson. The story kept me guessing, turning the pages and staying up toooo late saying just one more chapter. The characters were strong, wonderful, deceitful and beautiful. Some you loved others u hated. A great mystery, full of sadness, murder, intrigue and love rolled into one book. You owe it to yourself to read this book. I don't re-read a book very often but I read this too fast and feel I need to read it again. Happy reading.

As I indicated earlier after reading 1/3 of this book that it was a tad slow moving and not quite a "page turner". I enjoyed the cast of characters which were creatively developed by the author (Does J.P. actually partake in the co-writing?). What saves this book is a very good ending and that is why I gave 4 stars instead of three. Take this book and sit in the sand in front of a Beach House...Hippie Bob

In all of my reading Mr Patterson. I have never read a Who Done It like this Masterpiece. From the ghastly murder of a young man followed by the barber slitting the bad guys throat and then finding the porno pictures and on to the multiple kidnapping of all of the bad guys and the great trial broadcast to the whole world for the ultimate verdict. I am sure future readers will be gript as I have been

I love and read a lot of J. Patterson books. This book is absolutely HORRIBLE. I guess Patterson doesn't even read these books anymore. He just lets these other writers add his name so their books will sell better. HUGE MISTAKE Mr. Patterson. It's going to make fans like me move on and stop buying any of your books. I've painstakingly read up to chapter 31 of this book and don't even want to waste my time finishing it. I always finish a book I start but this one is so horribly written I don't think I can stand to waste my time. VERY DISAPPOINTED. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME

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The Beach House, by James Patterson PDF

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013


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, by Tommy Tenney Mark Andrew Olsen

Product details

File Size: 2363 KB

Print Length: 356 pages

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (November 1, 2006)

Publication Date: November 1, 2006

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#302,449 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I love bible story's I know it's fiction but it's great reading love the story of Esther this was a good story

Inspiring novel. Great book for those engaged or hitting a rough spot in their marriage

I absolutely LOVED ❤️❤️ it!! It actually used stories from history, and made them very interesting 😊😊. I loved the author(s) way of making the story ✏️✏️. My praise to you!! 👏👏

Mystery wrapped with history in this amazing story with animated descriptions that make one feel a part of the story. Fascinating characterization and yet allows one to imagine as it should. Amazing! I lived every minute of this book and wished it didn't have to end.

This the is follow-up to Hadassah: One Night with the King. Mr. Tenney spins an exotic tale that follows Hadassah through the ages and weaves biblical facts into modern-day politics, making for very enjoyable historical fiction.

Love the book. The first book HADASSAH "one night with the king" was really good as well. You really need to read the first book first .It hopes you understand the second book better.Tommy Tenney did a good job.

Interesting fictional account tying present day Hadassah with the Hadassah of Purim.

This is a great book. It draws the historical into modern day. I highly recommend this book. It is a good read.

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Minggu, 10 Maret 2013


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Kama Sutra: Kama Sutra Blackbook: Master the Art of Sex Through Ancient Teachings, by Veronica White

Kama Sutra: Kama Sutra Blackbook: Master the Art of Sex Through Ancient Teachings, by Veronica White

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Kama Sutra: Kama Sutra Blackbook: Master the Art of Sex Through Ancient Teachings, by Veronica White

Product details

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 22, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1522748466

ISBN-13: 978-1522748465

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.8 out of 5 stars

49 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#956,331 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was completely new to the whole kama sutra, but reading this has improved my sex life a lot. It was a very intriguing and thought-provoking read and I am very much impressed by the lesson taught by this book. This book will teach you everything of all sex related things that you want to know. I think in our busy and hectic lives we forget how meaningful and important that factor is in a relationship. Simple and loving touching can do wonders to boost self-esteem and endorphins.These ancient texts allow us to be the best man and woman or husband and wife for each other. I am loving this book and thanks to the Author for such a book, book for all couple who want to enjoy intimacy in life.

Packed full of in-depth information on the topic of Kama Sutra. In this day in age, it sometimes feels like we are so far apart from each other due to life's distractions. Although this book provides multiple sex positions, it has a plethora of tips on the entire field of sex from the seduction to the actual experience. Anybody looking to increase their love life and "master the art of sex", get this book!

This is a highly comprehensive book which will teach you pretty much everything you need to know about the ancient art of sex, Kama Sutra. Make sure you read it from beginning to end because the whole book is full of valuable tips, tricks, and pieces of information which should definitely improve your love-making skills and the intimacy between you and your partner.

I was asked by the author to give an honest review of this book, and I can honestly say that I loved it. First of all, it was very well written, with clear explanations and descriptive language. It never felt crude to me, because the author emphasized the emotional and spiritual intimacy of sex and well as the pleasure. The book includes sections on the philosophy of the Kama Sutra, as well as highlighting positions that increase intimacy, either by allowing for eye contact or physical closeness. As for the positions themselves, each was explained very well, not only how to execute it, but with an explanation of how to increase pleasure.

This is one of the best Kama Sutra Books there is! I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to heat things up in the bedroom ! This book is very detailed and explanatory which makes it so easy to comprehend and follow. After reading this book I'm sure that you will be able to make your partner very happy using the knowledge you gained from this book. This book will definitely make your intimate life better.

For me as a woman, I want to be knowledgeable enough about the art of sex. This is the perfect book to read because there is a lot of valuable information about sex such as sexual positions, keys of kissing, stages of sex, size matters, how health and lifestyle that affects sex, and why a woman should learn about it. You'll know relevant information in practicing Kamasutra and with this ancient teachings about sex, you can greatly improve your sex life and become a better lover.

So far, this is the best book about Kama Sutra I've ever read. The ancient teachings and love making techniques here are what I've been looking for. Veronica White did an amazing job discussing here why it is very important for women to be knowledgeable about sex. This book helped me learn how to mix up sexual positions, learn the keys of kissing, and understanding the stages of sex. A great book if you want to improve your love life and your sex life.

This is an eye opener. I didn't know Kama Sutra actually endorses sex with multiple partners. Reading this totally blew my mind away. Sex is not just about putting it in and race to orgasm. It is also about respecting the women's body. I especially love the chapter on tantric sex where the act of intimacy can go on for hours. Why a 4 star? I was hoping for visual illustration for the sex positions described. Otherwise, it is an awesome read.

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Kama Sutra: Kama Sutra Blackbook: Master the Art of Sex Through Ancient Teachings, by Veronica White PDF
Kama Sutra: Kama Sutra Blackbook: Master the Art of Sex Through Ancient Teachings, by Veronica White PDF

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013


Download Ebook , by Dennis DeSantis

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Product details

File Size: 6904 KB

Print Length: 250 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Ableton AG (April 21, 2015)

Publication Date: April 21, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#25,601 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I'm going to find the time to come back and give this a proper review, but in the meantime, 5 stars.This book is everything I thought and hoped it would be from the previews at the Ableton site... and more, much more. Never before have those vague "unanswerables" about creativity been so well answered, at least as it pertains to electronic music production. This book is definitely focused on electronic production (not EDM genres in specific) - the composition side, the neglected one. Anyone who struggles with writing music in general, electronic or not, will benefit - but parts are definitely specific to music made by computers.I'm already demonstrably better as a composer and have an easier time getting started after reading through one time, and I expect I will be re-reading and referencing back to this book over and over for a long time to come.If you've got any doubts, read the preview chapters on the official makingmusic.ableton site - though many of the best are reserved for the book itself.Proper review forthcoming.Note: This is NOT specific to Ableton users in any way - no matter your DAW, this will not exclude you. I use Maschine and found zero conflicts in that regard. Ableton is used for screenshots of the sequencer patterns, nothing more.

This is the book I was always looking for but couldnt find. Its written like Q&A between "student" and "teacher". The student asks common and not so common questions and the teacher uses a page or two to explains how its normal to deal with this issue and his own very effective solution! It starts out with some advice that I already solved in almost identical ways to what the author suggested. But I would be thankfull if i had this book earlier. As you start reading this book you get to advice that you would expect from the likes of Eno, that could work for both new and advanced musicians.Oh yeah it also doesnt mention ableton live by name ever. Thats very cool since i use logic.

Do you want to dig up some more creative ideas? Sure, we all do.This book is the coach needed by those of us who've been making music for decades and are looking to jump out of those familiar and boring habits, and those who are just getting started with a DAW and wanting to corrall and harness the limitless possibilities of modern music making.I've only been through it once, but it's already full of highlights, and I foresee my Kindle residing in my studio for some time to come.For what it is, it's amazingly inexpensive. I have cables that cost more.

As a new student to music in general and synthesizer music I really enjoyed this book and recommended: It does a lot to give you ways to get "unstuck and start" creativity. I got it as a Kindle Edition on Amazon and listen to it over my Alexa device that read it at night. I will go through it as the book next. It was recommended to me byBoBeats on YouTube. Note it is only available as a Kindle edition on Amazon in the US. Thanks for all you do!

I picked up this book having high expectations since I have digested a large amount of music production books, magazines and video tutorials. This book does a great job at addressing common roadblocks that I have encountered.Even though the author works for ableton, this book still does a fantastic job approaching the subject of digital music production while being software agnostic.With so many options for sound design and music composition in the digital realm, this book has been a breath of fresh air.I expect to read this book a few times over for inspiration and strategies when approaching music production. I feel that the subject matter will last the rest of time and will still be relevant for years to come.

I've been making music for a long time & making music with computers since 1998. I wish I had access to this book in 1998. I'm going to be going back to this well again & again. Highly recommended. Also, even though the author works for Ableton, it's really in no way is a how-to for Abelton, it's much more DAW agnostic & really about the unique challenges making music with computers bring.

It does address myriad "speedbumps" that all musicians encounter on our creative journeys and while it's light in detail of any one of the 74 solutions in the book, that is what makes it universally appealing. Several solutions were new to me and I then easily found all the specifics online. Well worth the read.

Essential reading for any musician, not just electronic ones. This book is an easy read. I don't work in a DAW, which gets a fair bit of attention here, but I still found it to be full of suggestions that pushed my creative boundaries and let me look differently at the process of making music.

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, by Dennis DeSantis PDF

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