Sabtu, 17 November 2018


Ebook Free , by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

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, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

Ebook Free , by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

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, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal

Product details

File Size: 1079 KB

Print Length: 360 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Crowbar Press (March 29, 2014)

Publication Date: March 29, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#255,241 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've heard about this book for a few years now, and finally bought the kindle edition. JJ is VERY honest and pulls no punches, while not showing any malice.He covers everything from his beginnings as a ref in the old WWWF, to his first full time job as a worker in Crockett. I loved the stories and his time in the Amarillo territory, and also his time with Eddie Graham in Florida. I would have loved to see the show from the Maritimes, sounds very cool.If you are a fan of the 4 Horseman, he covers that pretty good as well. His time in WWF is also covered, and you can see how Vince McMahon is very selfish and self centered. He basically bankrupted JJ, which sucks.He also goes into how Eric Bischoff bankrupted Turner, and never used JJ's mind to get insight on what could be done to topple the WWF at the time. Also he took the heat from a LOT of the talent for things that he either had NO control over, or that other people precipitated, that has nothing to do with him. He seems like a man of integrity, and never fired a talent by Fed X, but always had a conversation with them, as it should be.I ordered the Kindle version, because the book itself is a few hundred dollars at this time it seems.Now, if they would just release Gary Hart's book, I could die a happy man!!!!!

Mr. Dillon is As loquacious in print as he ever was in the ring. The book is filled with interesting anecdotes from a bygone era and provides a peek behind a storied decades long career. The only negative about the book I have to share is that it could have used a bit more editing. At their endings the chapters of his stories lapse into repetition and ocasionally his narrative suffers from jumps in chronology. In sum: A fun read if you have an interest, even if it could stand a little polish.

I have read other biographies that other wrestlers have written, but JJ Dillon's book is the best because you get both his perspective as a wrestler/performer and his perspective as an businessman/executive at WWF and WCW. I have watched a few shoot interviews and JJ's are the best and most insightful and his book was no different. Today's WWE doesn't even want to call it 'Professional Wrestling.' They call it 'Sports Entertainment.' I prefer the 'Pro Wrestling' era. Today's product doesn't interest me the way it did during JJ's era. Most of today's stars will be forgotten, but people like JJ Dillon and The Horsemen will not. I mean no disrespect to today's performers. There are still independent circuit wrestlers who have to wait for their break and there are those trained by WWE's NXT. I am sure everyone pays dues, but not to the same degree. In JJ's day, you had to have total devotion to the sport. There were no big payouts and you wrestled where you could. This book is like a history of wrestling. JJ gives the perspective of what it took to get into and succeed in in pro wrestling. He also gives a very unique comparison of McMahon's style of management versus Bischoff's. I think JJ is quite candid and sincere about the things he says. He is fair in that he gives you both the good and the bad about those he discusses and he admits things about himself that aren't pleasant. This is truly a unique individual who has come full circle and seems to have found peace. I have nothing but appreciation and respect for him and those like him who love pro wrestling with a passion and are willing to sacrifice for the good of the business.

I completed reading "Wrestlers Are Like Seagulls" last evening. What a great read. Have you ever read a book and realized the author did a good job writing about the subject matter but didn't live it? That is what sets this book apart and above other's. As you read each chapter you realize "J. J. lived what he wrote what he wrote in this book".

I chose this after hearing a podcast interview with JJ. I wanted to know the story, his story; and now I feel I have. the beginning of the book shows a youthful enthusiasm, an almost Forrest Gump journey through the territory era. Alas, the picture stays too much in focus. A man who was given chances to book areas, only to have them fail do to circumstances beyond his control. While referring to Dusty Rhoades "ego" JJ goes,n,about no one being able to time a PPV. Claiming that Vince Jr. would never bring somebody needs in to fail, then claim that he wouldn't work again for wwe, because he would never know when Vince would set him,up. still and all, I appreciated the effort. thank you!

I really enjoyed this book. It was very detailed about every point in his career. It was interesting as he relived his days in the territory circuits. I loved how he went into details about his days in WCW & WWE. It gave alot of insight into his duties as a booker and working in creative. I've never read a book that went into so much detail about what it was like to work for Vince McMahon. Very interesting. In fact, Dillon was there during one of my favorite eras (1980s NWA/WCW), WWE, and also during WCW's downfall with Eric Bischoff. Great stories from the road throughout the book.What a great wrestling creative mind. What a book about professional wrestling should be! Must read for the wrestling fan. loved it!

Growing up watching JJ Dillon managing the Four Horsemen, brought me hours of entertainment and so did this book.A lot of background on wrestling from the Seventies to the start of the 21st Century. If you miss the Territory days, I would recommend this to you.

Terrific book told with great detail and is factual .He has numerous newspaper clippings and programs that help support his story Gives you insight into the old days of being a wrestler and how much love he had for wrestling and how hard it was to make a living. I rate this up there with the Ole Anderson and Jack Brisco books for his candor and honesty as one of the best. I have read Foley Jericho Flair Regal Brody Dynamite Kid Superstar Graham Bischoff one of Russo's and many I forgot that I read etc Good read even if you are not a fan, great story teller

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, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal PDF

, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal PDF

, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal PDF
, by James J. Dillon Scott Teal PDF

Selasa, 06 November 2018


Ebook Download The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

Having free time? Now is your time to start your old leisure activity, analysis. Reviewing should be a routine as well as leisure activity, not only as the obligation. The book that you could check out frequently is The Small House Book, By Jay Shafer This is exactly what makes many individuals feel completely satisfied for learning more and extra. When you really feel that reading is a routine, you will not feel lazy to do it. You will certainly not feel additionally that it will be so uninteresting.

The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

Ebook Download The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

New upgraded! The current publication from an extremely renowned writer ultimately comes out. Schedule, as a remarkable reference becomes just what you have to obtain. What's for is this book? Are you still assuming of what the book is? Well, this is just what you probably will obtain. You need to have made correct options for your far better life. Reserve, as a source that may include the realities, point of view, literary works, religion, and also lots of others are the great friends to join with.

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The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer

From the Introduction of this 197 page book: "I live in a house smaller than some people's closets. My decision to inhabit just 90 square feet arose from some concerns I had about the impact a larger house would have on the environment and because I just do not want to maintain a lot of unused or unusable space. My house meets all of my domestic needs without demanding much in return. The simple, slower lifestyle it affords is a luxury for which I am continually grateful. If smaller, well-designed houses aren't the wave of the future, they certainly are a significant ripple on that wave. On these pages, I explain why. I also share my personal experiences with living in diminutive homes, meeting codes, and designing small spaces that work." The book is divided into the following chapters: Confessions of a Claustrophile; A Good Home; Making Space; and Portfolio of Houses. Each chapter includes dozens of color photos, charts and diagrams along with the descriptive text.

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Product details

Paperback: 196 pages

Publisher: Tumbleweed Tiny House Company; 2nd Edition edition (2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1607435640

ISBN-13: 978-1607435648


Package Dimensions:

7 x 6.9 x 0.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.9 out of 5 stars

102 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#167,748 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

anyone, who loves to dream of cutting down on things, traveling to new destinations or living without all of the stuff that seems to weigh us all down, will love this book. It is beautiful and the pictures are clear, the script easy to ready and it would be difficult not to spend hours dreaming of how you could plan and build a tiny house and be so very comfortable....

Pretty good book and I like it a lot that the author included his own experience of living in an RV to building his dream home. The book spends a great deal of time trying to convince people that spacious living is bad and that you ought to feel guilty for having enough money to live American style. I think the volume would be more well served to focus on building practices, sustainable ideas for the construction of smaller homes and how to help affect the movement to actually owning something of your own that you don't have to spend 30 years paying for. Some of the questions I had were answered by the volume, like how to construct the units and how to begin trying to find a place to park it. Over all a good read and worth the price... I would enjoy having a website devoted to the THM (Tiny House Movement) where local people, by State, can help each other make the transition and not fall into pits of legal trouble. If your interested in simplistic living, BUY IT!

I'm a little biased. I work with the author, and I've known him since I first ordered a set of plans from him in 2005.So I had better make a case for my rating:- Why tiny houses?In telling his story, Jay expresses a motivation for material simplicity and a life open to more options. I know these were MY motivations for designing a tiny house, and I suspect these are the motivations for many others who are planning or building their tiny houses.- How to design tiny housesIn suggesting how to successfully design a tiny house, Jay provides good fundamentals, and his included design portfolio attests to the validity of his design principles. His designs were the best detailed and best proportioned tiny houses in 2005, and I believe this is still true at the end of 2012.- How to build tiny housesIn explaining how to build tiny houses, Jay offers real experience. Seven years ago, he had already built his 2nd tiny house, and he still had some stuff to learn about carpentry and structural design. Today, his greater experience and understanding of building construction is evident in the text and the new box bungalow designs contained within this book.-What do tiny houses look like?This book is a unique 7" x 7" format (tiny -- it fits on a standard sheet of paper with room to spare).Yet, in this small format, Jay includes numerous full-color photos of houses which exhibit his points, as well as created images of 23 houses of his own design (the last 80+ pages are a sort of 'bonus' portfolio).- And Jay writes well. It seems that his approach to writing is much like his approach to architectural design -- a meticulous process of revision, whereby he is forever finding ways to do more with less. His informal tone respects grammar, and flows for easy reading. ...but count the pages, and review everything he has just told you -- he's concise!Every industry and movement needs its own go-to book of fundamentals and inspiration. "The Small House Book" is capable of playing this role for the tiny house movement.Enjoy.

I enjoyed reading The Small House Book by Jay Shafer. He has such good ideas and perspective in living in a tiny house. Reading about his first tiny house was an eye opener and really gave me pause for thought. Fortunately he had the foresight to continue his life in tiny houses which brought tiny house lifestyle to the public eye and began a great movement which I feel will be going on for a long time if not forever. Thanks Jay!

A nice little book showing nice colored photos of different outside designs for small homes, showing floor layouts, and providing information the author has experienced in his building of many of these homes. Great idea generator mainly for homes the size that can be driven on a trailer down roads and plunked down here and there. Novel ideas. Gave me some clues as to what I might want in a small house, what size I may want, and what layout. Food for thought.

A wonderful primer for those exploring smaller housing. Jay locates the small house movement in the wider US culture, explaining environmental, practical and beauty considerations of small housing. Lots of beautiful pics of exteriors, and some of interiors. Some great ideas, like sleeping lofts (storybook nooks! Clothes would need separate storage) . A lovely spread of ideas, including how to carefully fit your house to your life. Not a detailed how-to, more a philosophical and inspirational book. Everyone interested in more financial freedom and a unique interior layout in minimal space would enjoy this book, whether looking for a house on wheels or on a foundation. I would have preferred less of why big houses don't work, and more of how to design tiny ones that do, but I'm still expecting this to be a book I show to many people, and I will use some of the specific design ideas, like 90 degree gable roofing, a front porch, and open cathedral ceilings in some areas. It even makes me wonder if I could make my own doors... I am grateful to have been able to access an electronic version of this extraordinary book, so easily.

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The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer PDF

The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer PDF

The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer PDF
The Small House Book, by Jay Shafer PDF

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