Senin, 14 Agustus 2017


Ebook Download National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore

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National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore

Ebook Download National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore

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National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore


“This is one of the most scientifically important—and artistically brilliant—books ever.  I don’t know of any other book that has such power. You cannot see these sensitive portraits of the diversity of animals living on Planet Earth and not be entranced. And moved. And inspired to do all you can to ensure they stay with us. Joel Sartore is an ambassador extraordinaire for the beleaguered animals of our planet and should receive a Nobel Prize. No one can look at these sensitive portraits of the incredible animal beings and not be amazed and inspired to do all in our power to preserve them—all of them, all the complex tapestry of life—for our children and theirs. I can think of no other book with such a compelling message: We must each do all that we can to preserve these incredible beings—all of them.  And we must act now, or it will be too late for most of them.”—Jane Goodall   “Joel Sartore’s The Photo Ark is a magnificent, awe-inspiring, encyclopedic, and forward-looking book. It surely will be game-changer for getting people to connect or to reconnect with other animals and the various landscapes that serve as their homes—to ‘rewild’ their heart—and to become deeply re-enchanted with the remarkable, fascinating, and diverse beings with whom we share our wondrous planet. I shall share it widely with a broad audience, including youngsters, who are the ambassadors for our and other animals’ future. I hope this spectacular work of art enjoys a global audience, and I honestly don't see how it won’t. It is that good.”—Marc Bekoff   “We owe it to these animals, as they struggle for survival on a human-dominated planet, to look them in the eye. Joel Sartore’s awestruck and awe-inspiring photos make that an experience of deep heart and beauty.”—David Quammen“We love them. We are exterminating them. We have no idea most of them even exist. Every painting of Noah’s Ark shows those familiar few animals we all agree seem worthy of salvation. Elephants, giraffes...but every one of them—and most others on Earth—are in fact in mortal danger now. Their flood is us. Yet when expecting new human life we paint animals on our nursery walls. We don’t paint computers or work cubicles. We paint animals, our subconscious, hope-filled wish to greet our unborn child by saying, ‘Welcome into this life-filled world. We are not alone. We have wondrous company.’ It’s time we met those splendid souls with whom we are failing to share our planet, whom we are annihilating. Joel Sartore’s stunning images are powerful enough to make us all ask and answer the question: ‘What will I do?’”  — Carl Safina, author of Beyond Words; What Animals Think and Feel

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About the Author

JOEL SARTORE is a photographer, speaker, author, teacher, and a 25-year contributor to National Geographic magazine as well as Audubon, Geo, Time, Life, Newsweek, and Sports Illustrated. He has written several books including National Geographic's Rare: Portraits of America's Endangered Species, Photographing Your Family, and Let's Be Reasonable, a collection of essays from the CBS Sunday Morning show. Sartore and his work have been the subjects of several national broadcasts, including the National Geographic Channel's Explorer, the NBC Nightly News, NPR's Weekend Edition, and an hour-long PBS documentary, At Close Range. He is also a contributor on the CBS Sunday Morning Show with Charles Osgood. HARRISON FORD is an American actor and film producer. He gained worldwide fame for his starring roles as Han Solo in the original Star Wars epic space opera trilogy and the title character of the Indiana Jones film series. DOUGLAS CHADWICK has reported on wildlife around the world, from right whales in the subantarctic to snow leopards in the Himalayas, producing close to 50 articles for National Geographic magazine. He has written 13 books about wildlife and conservation, including several focused on the Rocky Mountains.

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Product details

Hardcover: 400 pages

Publisher: National Geographic; First Edition edition (March 7, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1426217773

ISBN-13: 978-1426217777

Product Dimensions:

10.2 x 1.2 x 10.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

454 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,001 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My first copy of this book was a gift from friends. When I opened it, I could not put it down until I had at least briefly seen every image, even though I had visitors. Each image of many diverse animals was compelling. The “animal portraits” were created against black or white backgrounds, eliminating all distractions from the animals themselves. Sartore knew he could not photograph such a wide range in the wild even if he had several lifetimes. With a goal to document animals alive on earth, and with many in decline and/or facing extinction, he knew the best chance would come from photographing animals in captivity and in breeding programs. That does not mean the photography was easy! As a photographer, I appreciated a series of vignettes scattered through the volume on “Making the Photographs.” The images alone are reason enough to buy the book.The collection of images was meant to convey messages about the fragility, beauty, and interconnectedness of life on Earth. It does that powerfully. I appreciated the interspersed vignettes on “Heroes” scattered throughout the volume.A few reviewers stated that the paper and printing of the book were not of the quality they expected. Personally, I was both amazed and grateful that this beautiful book was available at a price many people could afford. A true art book would be beyond the reach of many people, which would defeat Sartore’s purpose in creating the book. I’m quite satisfied with the quality of this volume.I have now purchased this book as a gift for friends, who I know will share it and discuss it with their grandchildren. The next generation will painlessly learn about biodiversity and our responsibilities as caretakers of our Earth.A wonderfully conceived and beautiful effort everyone can enjoy.

Wow! Truly lovely and mesmerizing! I want to rate this 7 out of 5.Many thanks to Joel Sartore and NG for the production of this everlasting beauty! I've scanned through the book quickly, but later, I'm going to take my time to get lost between the folds of this colorful print, for hours. I hugely recommend this book to anyone who loves animals and appreciates beauty (We all do, don't we?).By the way, it's a big book with thick pages, so mind the weight! ;-)

This is an amazing and life changing book. For anyone who treasures our community of living beings on Earth, this book will delight you. It reinforces the connection we have with other species and does so with the most magnificent photographs one can imagine. It will always be by my side.

The Photo Ark arrived today from Amazon. After reading some of the reviews before which stated the printing quality was lacking resolution or detail ,I was concerned that the resolution quality would be lacking in fine detail or that the photos would be blurry, but the images seemed sharp to me. They were beautiful and the details amazing. I am an artist and took photography so I think I have an eye for such things, and it seemed fine to me. I am so glad I purchased this book to support such a beautiful project . It's so voluminous with so many creatures represented, it really is like Noah's Ark. What an inspired labor of love! I cried when I was looking at all the animals and thinking how amazing and beautiful they are and to think we humans are endangering them . As other reviewers stated, every family or classroom should have a copy. There are so many color plates in this book that I am amazed at the price for the quality. For folks who wanted better paper or better printing, the book would cost $100.00! The quality is beautiful and I am glad National Geographic published and produced it the way they did so it could find it's way into more hands and hearts.

Stunning book. Not only were the animal photos the best I have ever seen, (In fact many of the animals were completely unknown to me) but the way the author presented them, giving each the significance they deserved. Joel's story about how he began and continued his immense journey and important work is a call to all of us to protect and be stewards of our beautiful home and all who inhabit it. II was so impressed with the book, I purchased a copy for each of my sisters, who are not much into the environmental movement.

After buying this book for a gift, I read every page! The animal photos, plus the artistry of the photographer are so spectacular. It seems like the animals are looking right at you from the page. I'll be buying more for gifts and my home. The most telling photo was a species where there were only four left in the world. Photographer Joel Sartore captured two of them on film.

I was so excited to get this book as I have been watching Photo Ark on PBS. And although the collection of photos is stunning, the resolution of the vast majority of them leaves a lot to be desired. On my TV screen the photos totally blew me away but in print the fine details are lost. With today's technology they clearly could have been reproduced better. One reviewer complained that the paper is too thin, that isn't my experience. The paper is fine but the photos are a real disappointment.

...It was for me to watch Joel on a PBS special working on this book, while with my parents at their cabin. As soon as I got home I looked for this book. I ordered one for my home to share with family and friends. I also ordered a second copy for my parent's that sits on their cabin coffee table and has been enjoyed by them and many visitors. Excellent purchase and quality...quick happy!!!!!

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore PDF
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore EPub
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore Doc
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore iBooks
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore rtf
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore Mobipocket
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore Kindle

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore PDF

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore PDF

National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore PDF
National Geographic The Photo Ark: One Man's Quest to Document the World's Animals, by Joel Sartore PDF

Senin, 07 Agustus 2017


PDF Ebook , by Chris McMullen

And why should read this publication? Lots of know that in this era, some books are covered in heavy points to pack. Other will certainly be additionally complemented in language difficulty to recognize. , By Chris McMullen is among the most recent launched books that has basic concept of believed with fantastic facts as well as lessons. It will instruct you couple of points simple with easy language to recognize. Also you are from the immigrants, this book is likewise very easy adequate to be translated.

, by Chris McMullen

, by Chris McMullen

, by Chris McMullen

PDF Ebook , by Chris McMullen

Come join us to find the impressive reading book from worldwide! When you feel so difficult to locate lots of publications from various other nations, it will not be right here. In this website, we have billion titles of the books from this nation and abroad. And one to bear in mind, you will certainly never ever lack this book, as in guide store. Why? We offer the soft documents of those books to get conveniently by all viewers.

There are numerous publications that can be the fashion for reaching the brighter future. It will likewise feature the different motifs from literary fiction, socials, service, faiths, laws, as well as several various other publications. If you are confused to choose among the books, you could attempt , By Chris McMullen Yeah, this book ends up being a much recommended publication that lots of people enjoy to check out, in every problem.

From the mix of knowledge and also activities, a person can improve their skill and capability. It will certainly lead them to live as well as work much better. This is why, the students, workers, or even employers ought to have reading habit for books. Any book , By Chris McMullen will provide specific understanding to take all perks. This is exactly what this , By Chris McMullen informs you. It will certainly include even more expertise of you to life as well as work far better. , By Chris McMullen, Try it and also confirm it.

Relieve of the language as well as simple jobs to comprehend come to be the reasons of many individuals attempt to get this book. When you wish to discover even more regarding , By Chris McMullen, you can see who the writer is, who the person that has developed the book is. Those will be much more impressive. Thus, you can visit the web page with the web link that we offer in this post. It will certainly not be so challenging for you. It will be much easier to get.

, by Chris McMullen

Product details

File Size: 34767 KB

Print Length: 220 pages

Publisher: Zishka Publishing (April 16, 2018)

Publication Date: April 16, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#44,338 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is an excellent resource for those who need some brushing up on algebra skills AND for those currently taking algebra. The step by step solutions are a big plus for students just starting out. For old has-beens like myself this is a great text to keep up with my skills even though the chances of me ever using them at this stage of my journey in life are next to nil. I just solve a few problems daily for the heck of it. This is a far better investment for me than blowing the amount at Starbucks or other such frivolities.An excellent resource at a reasonable price.

I found book to be nothing special. The majority of the problems are way to easy and can be solved using standard solutions for quadratic equations. Overall level is second grade highschool (not sure about other countries but that is 16 years old students in Serbia). Could be that I expected a bit more challenging problems.The one thing that really bothered me about the style of writing was that when the solution is calculated using algebraic methods there would be "proof" of results by ways of substituting the solution into the original problem and stating "the solution holds" - well of course it holds when you just used proper methods to obtain it! It kinda undermines the authority of the writer like he is not sure about the methods and maths he just used so let's test the solution "just in case"...Again, nothing special here, it is early highschool level.

Better off just with the free stuff off the Internet.

I really enjoyed this book. I got it, not because I'm some kind of math "geek", but just because I thought it could be interesting, and it definitely didn't let me down. It was very interesting and informative if you have any interest in math, and obviously algebra. I have to say it's not for a beginner, but if you've at least taken even high school algebra or higher you should be able to follow along and learn some new info and skills.

Good challenging problems. Let me know how rusty I was. The solutions were very clear. Was able to solve about half of them correctly, while the other half came back eventually after going over the solutions. Was a lot of fun. Hope he writes another one.

This is a great book for either developing good conceptual understanding and technical problem-solving skills or maintaining them. The problems are a good selection of both straightforward equations/inequalities/systems of equations, or word problems leading to them. The level of challenge is consistent and a successful solution requires focus and facility with numerical techniques. Moreover, the solutions are detailed, the explanations clear, and the conceptual clarifications important. Overall, a great book and highly recommended for advanced students.

I just got the book today. After looking through it,there are definitely hard and easy problems. It’s a good book if you want to review or just do for fun.

I love this little book! Lots of practice problems and their solutions. Sneak a little fun into any situation no matter where you go- paper, pencil, and an algebra problem! Fun, fun. Fun!!!

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, by Chris McMullen PDF

Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017


Ebook Download The Rough Guide to Jordan

The Rough Guide to Jordan

The Rough Guide to Jordan

The Rough Guide to Jordan

Ebook Download The Rough Guide to Jordan

Have you located a brand-new book to satisfy your holidays to review? Do you plan for searching it? When someone only have plans to have holidays and also getaways to choose some individuals, there other who likewise look for the books to make use of the downtime. It is not type of tough means to conquer this problem. Nowadays, the sophisticated innovation is concerned to assist you in doing anything.

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The Rough Guide to Jordan

About the Author

Matthew Teller is an experienced and accomplished travel writer. He has lived and worked in England, Egypt, Jersusalem, and elsewhere. He speaks English, Arabic, and Hebrew. He is author of The Rough Guide to the Cotswolds, The Rough Guide to Jordan, and The Rough Guide to the Italian Lakes (with Lucy Ratcliffe).

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Product details

Series: Rough Guide Travel Guides

Paperback: 496 pages

Publisher: Rough Guides; 2nd edition (April 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1858287405

ISBN-13: 978-1858287409

Product Dimensions:

5.1 x 0.8 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.5 ounces

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

35 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#11,076,844 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is practical and well organized and has tons of great maps in it. Jordan was my favorite travel experience out of the 12 countries I've visited.I just got back from a nine day trip in Jordan. My friend and I went to Petra, Wadi Rum, the Dead Sea, Amman, Madaba, Umm Qais, Jerash, and Ajlun. This guidebook is so accurate and thorough - it made the trip a breeze. The section on language was a blessing, including the great section on foods and drinks in Jordan. All the cultural tips were helpful and accurate (girls AND guys - cover your legs and arms like the locals!), and the extensive sections on the history of Jordan and Petra were insightful. Many prices have increased since this was published. For example, entry visa is now JD20 instead of JD10 (about $28). But overall, travel in Jordan is cheaper than travel in America, and much cheaper than travel Europe. There's also info in here for booking a tour with a company, probably a lot easier than connecting the dots yourself like we did.I would add a few tips that I didn't see in the book: be aware that many vendors won't have change for large bills, so always have some 1s and 5s with you. Also, in the book, some of the information about buses was misleading; we got stuck at the dead sea at 4pm on a Saturday with no buses in sight, contrary to the impression we got from the guidebook. However, EVERYONE in Jordan is so helpful, and we were able to hitch a ride back to West Amman with a tour group, and then the tour guide drove in his own car us back to our hotel in downtown Amman. If you're going to be taking buses, check with the staff at your hotel to confirm what the guidebook recommends. Every other bus we took was fine though. In Amman, we took private taxis to the bus stations instead of the white, shared cabs. It was not very expensive, and was less stressful than trying to figure out the stops/routes of the shared cabs. In general, buses run more in the morning than in the afternoon or evening.My friend and I are active hikers from Colorado, and we loved Petra and Wadi Rum most of all. The stars at night in Wadi Rum made the whole trip for me - breathtaking. In both these places, the more you can walk in a day, the more you'll see, so make sure you're in shape before you go, and bring good shoes and thick socks. I'd say ideally you need three days in Petra; we had two FULL days of hiking and didn't see it all. We did the night tour of Petra, which honestly I wouldn't do again (search google images for "petra night" and you'll get the idea). After a full day of hiking, walking all the way back into Petra in the cold night wasn't fun, and when the group arrived at the treasury, everyone's camera flashes really killed the vibe. Petra is filled with vendors who sell trinkets VERY aggressively, so brace yourself for constant offers of donkey and camel rides and cheap jewelry.Traveling in the Middle East takes more preparation than Europe. If you're thinking about going to Jordan, get this guide book and read it months before you go; you'll be glad you did. I'd also recommend getting some free Arabic podcasts off itunes. My favorite was a small series by the Peace Corps for volunteers in Jordan. It had all the important phrases, and with Jordanian dialect and accent. Watch out for Arabic podcasts geared towards Morocco; the language is very different there. I also read the books "Married to a Bedouin" and "Live from Jordan" before I went. Both great books that informed my view of the country and it's people.A tip: from downtown Amman, you can hike up the hill (stairs between houses) to the Citadel and sneak in without paying at the entrance. The views at the top are killer, and it's fun to see the ancient ruins juxtaposed with the bustling city. Also, locals hang out up there in the evening (it's probably the only parkland/open-space in that part of town). We ended up there at sunset and all around us were locals, kids playing soccer, women picnicking, families taking photos. We felt so special to be up there; we were the only tourists around.I cannot say enough how kind people were to us. Everywhere we went people offered us tea. I got a haircut one day in Madaba, and they insisted I not pay and brought us tea and gave us bread and nuts and we hung out - such a memory. One of our favorite drinks was "lemon juice" with mint mixed in. So good! Many menus were in English, and most service industry folks knew enough english to help us out.My personal recommendations, in order: Petra, Wadi Rum, Dead Sea, Jerash. I'd say plan a few days for Petra and a few for Wadi Rum. Plan on half a day for the Dead Sea, most of a day for Jerash (eat at the Lebanese house! So good!). Amman is a hectic city. My friend and I loved it, but many casual travelers hate it. The guidebook suggests basing yourself in Madaba if you want a more mellow time. besides, it's closer to the airport than Amman.The three hotels we stayed at, which I recommend: Burj al Arab in Amman, Cleopetra in Wadi Musa (Petra), Mariam in Madaba. Our guide in Wadi Rum was Mzied Atieg; he was awesome.Another great thing about our trip: we met many wonderful travelers from Europe and America. Being in such a special place, travelers were very open to spending time with us and talking about their travels. We met such wonderful folks, and we compared notes about where we'd stayed, what we'd done, what else we were going to do on our trip.In conclusion, if you're thinking about traveling to Jordan, get this book!I would add; check current news in Jordan before committing to visit. Two protestors died in Amman the day we left. Sobering and scary. However, in our travels we encountered no troubles or tension, and everyone was kind to us, and they continued to be kind to us after we told them we were from America. Most Jordanians don't like American foreign policy, but they like Americans just fine.

I bought this just prior to my trip to Jordan in May 2015. I found it extremely reliable with respect to all the normal tourist areas from the Syrian border to the Red Sea. My son and I covered them all on our own driving a rental car . Next to my GPS this was the most valuable asset I had. When I wanted to know where to park my car at the Allenby Bridge so I could do a one day trip to Jerusalem he told me .When I wanted to explore out of the way tells and see where the Moabite Stela was discovered all I needed to do was " look in the book". My 8 days driving the length of Jordan was made relatively easy thanks to the info provided in this thin volume. Incidentally tourism is down 60% . We were the only americans we saw the entire time we were there and the people were uniformly happy to see us .Go . Go now

I must admit that I am new to using a Kindle and this was my first go at using a travel guide that wasn't a paperback. With more experience at using the Kindle I might change my mind, but it was often a problem going between information and maps. The maps were also difficult to read when I tried enlarging them. However, the information about places was good and we were happy with the restaurants recommended by the guide. I would recommend having a separate, paper map as back-up if you are driving as we were. I would also like to strongly suggest that, if you have the time, follow Matthew's advice and spend a few days at Feynan Ecolodge - even with unexpected rain it was one of the best things we did!

Even though it is about 14 years old, the explicit description of the sites were very helpful since we travelled independently. Not much has changed except prices have doubled. The history and political chapters were very helpful.

If you read the 21 reviews listed for this guide, know that only 9 pertain to this edition. After know that know that this 2012 edition was researched in 2010/11 which was before the Syrian refugee crisis. An event that has serious changed Jordan. Now, as I write this review there are over 500 hundred thousand desperate refugees from Syrian seeking hope and home in this small (and getting smaller country). I work in medicine and one Jordan doctor told me that the government figure of 450,000 Syria Refugees are kept low to not disturb the Jordanians .... he said really there are double those number in Jordan. I tell you that because this book describes what Jordan was like in 2011 but not what it is today. For example, in the book, in the Ajloun sections, it states that "Northern Jordan's verdant hills are cut through by countless lush valleys..." I was just there and it is gone... all gone, sorry.What I am seeing is construction everywhere and very tacky construction at that - the cement block buildings with zero personality...places to hold people... but definitely no more lush valleys.That said, this can be a good guide if you stay on proven tourist routes "Petra, Dead Sea, Jerash, etc" then you will benefit from this Rough Guide. The write is a good write, Matthew Teller, and I do hope he comes out soon with the 6th edition.

While the detail is extensive, Kindle compatibility is lacking (as usual). The maps are illegible on my 1.5 y.o. Kindle; zooming only expands the text not images. I also was unable to get the text search function to work. Freebie pdf viewer software provides a better user experience. Come on Amazon/travel guide companies and get up to speed.

just returned from 2 weeks traveling in Jordan, used the latest edition.A precise guide, made the trip much easier and comfortable.The author made a fantastic job, I just do not understand how a single person was able to provide so much precise details.I rent a car, and can confirm that number of gas stations in Jordan is less than crusaders castles.The only thing, which may be I want to add, that if you are lucky to find one of those gas stations, please be aware, that local folks try to charge you pointing on the number of liters, which is about twice as much, as number in JD.

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