Minggu, 01 Mei 2016


Ebook , by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

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, by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

, by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

, by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

Ebook , by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

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, by Tim Cameron-Kitchen

Product details

File Size: 3749 KB

Print Length: 232 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Exposure Ninja; 3 edition (March 16, 2018)

Publication Date: March 16, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#236,670 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Over the pass five years I have been trying to get a really good grasp on SEO. I have read a number of books on the subject at the same time as taking courses so I had a basic understanding of what needed to be done. So I really was looking for a book that filled in the blanks on the missing pieces along with bringing me up to date on the latest changes. This book has given me just what I needed. It is written in a down to earth matter for those of us who did not grow up with technology and gives a step by step plan on how to get to the top of the search engine results. I strongly recommend it for both the website owner who wants to do his/her own SEO along with those who want to perfect their skills like I did.

I did not know until I started reading this book, how very little I actually knew about the inner workings of SEO and how much is involved in getting to the top of Google. This is a great book for those who want to know more as well as a great do it yourself manual.

I've only gone about 35% of the way after downloading this late last night, but I felt compelled to write a review this morning. Even if I had been charged for this book, I would still give it five stars. As a beginner, it makes the process of SEO very easy to understand and I must say a great deal of it makes perfect sense. The Author, though he says he's not an author, writes in easy language and if jargon is introduced, it is well explained.Ok, I take someone's point here, there are a few weblinks peppered in there, but hey, you got it for free. I can't wait to try out the techniques described in this publication and though I know there is a lot of work involved, I feel sure that world domination is at hand for the small business where I work!!!

Truth be told, I've build, maintained and managed our small business's website for over 10 years now. During those years I heard and read a lot of advice on how to improve our ranking in Google search. Some of it was very basic and was valid 10 years ago, but not anymore. Some of it sounded tricky and unfair.Recently we've decided to outsource the entire remake of our website. To a small company led by a SEO specialist. He gave me a one hour 'course' on SEO, so that I could rework all of our previous blogposts that will be integrated in the new website. So as to not lose the blog content built over the years.Everything he said is confirmed by this book. And the book adds even a bit more to it.Furthermore, it works. I've tested some of the ideas, suggestions and methods on my current website and in one case (granted for a long tail search consisting of 3 words) got to occupy all of the top 4 positions on Google's first results page.For another single search term I move up from somewhere down on page 5 of the Google search results to 7th position on the first page. With only 1 single SEO optimized blog post.Now that's what I call results.So even though a lot of what is said in this book might be available for free on the web, you'll have a hard time finding it and checking out it's validity if you have to search and collect it yourself.The author deserves that you buy his book and you'll be happy once you start using his advice.

Great resource for those seeking to understand SEO. Written in a way that is accessible, easy to understand for the novice but full of helpful hints.

Hi,I read the entire book(plus bonus)in one go which took few hours.The author is selfless in revealing all the important information.Its useful to any website/blog owner (small business or not) to get new clientsor gain credibility in local /national area.Any business would be benefited by it.Author's credibility is enhanced by the information that his clients show up in first place in google results for their trade+locality combination.Though there are other seo books in this market I cannot verify this for any other author.Further I noticed that one of the reviewer's website has been showed in google results as first entry for his trade. It seems he followed author's advice step by step exactly.I am a full time web developer for past 15 years who did not have marketing knowledge before reading this book.I will exactly follow this ebook and modify my websites and add google plus,video etc accordingly.Particularly after reading the bonus ebook I see that no local biz uses google plus/video . They are not listed for any keyword combination.Possibilities are infinite. Thanks to the author .regardsvinodh

PROS:Lots of good informationGoogle Local tipsCONS:Quite long... i think it could have been synthesized a bitThe author advertise himself every 2 pages

What a great book! Easy to read, great advice. Easy to implement. Steers you in the right direction. I wish I read it sooner. Before you spend your hard earned cash on SEO company. Read this book. I bout the kindle version with the free addendum for google+local. Is a bargain for what it will do for your business. I hope my competition do not read this review!

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, by Tim Cameron-Kitchen PDF

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