Minggu, 07 April 2013


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, by Zola Levitt

, by Zola Levitt

, by Zola Levitt

Ebook Free , by Zola Levitt

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, by Zola Levitt

Product details

File Size: 2938 KB

Print Length: 31 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Zola Levitt Ministries; 3 edition (November 13, 2012)

Publication Date: November 13, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#200,767 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book is probably the best buy I have ever made. It is so completely eye opening that I cannot even express in words how I feel about it. I will try though.After 20 years of turning my back on Messiah and Christianity in general due to lack of any meaningful upbringing, and lack of any meaningful understanding, I have finally found my Beloved Savior for the first time. I began my quest to know God the Father and Jesus the Son by reading my Bible for the first time all the way through. While I gained some knowledge I know most of it slipped by me and that is when I began searching for a deeper truth.And I found this treasure of truth by Zola Levitt. What a gift we are given and it has been hidden in plain sight right in front of our eyes the entire time.Thank you Zola Levitt for helping ones like me gain a better appreciation of the amazing gift of our Messiah.If you are a Christian, a Follower of Jesus Christ, a believer in Messiah... and you do not know the meanings of the Feasts of Israel, aside from basic surface knowledge of them, you must read this book. I guarantee it will change your whole understanding and take you deeper spiritually.

This 31 page (in my original paper booklet) teaching focuses on the 7 Levitical Feasts (Leviticus 23) which the Jews have celebrated thru the millennia, in their calendar year. Zola traces how this calendar of feasts was or will be fulfilled by Jesus and stands as a prophetic declaration of the events past, and yet to come for Israel and the Church. Christians as Zola correctly points out are not responsible to keep these feasts, but as he says, a knowledge of them greatly enhances our faith. And I may add, gives us greater understanding of the prophetic timetable of events.I encountered Zola about 30 years ago. I heard him speak just once in a small church in a small town. I've never looked at things the same since.Over the years I've enjoyed other authors on this subject, but I never saw it presented so briefly, the "Readers Digest" version. If you want to go further some very good longer books on the Feasts are available such as Ancient Messianic Festivals or The Feasts of the Lord: God's Prophetic Calendar From Calvary to the Kingdom and there are many more good ones just in paper book form too. This booklet started me off reading on the subject.Zola's value in this booklet isn't just the concise clear teaching, it is also the balance he displays returning the Jewish mindset and culture to the church that was originally there in the first century. Seeing thru Jewish eyes brings greater understanding of our faith, it's foundations. We are grafted into the olive tree after all. Some of us, like Zola are Jewish believers to begin with and others are Gentiles. As the passage in this booklet points out, there are 2 components to the church corresponding to the 2 wave offerings of Pentecost. These "first fruits" come in two "flavours". Jew and Gentile, forming the church. The church doesn't ever REPLACE Israel in God's dealings thru history, nor does the church BECOME Israel. Zola deals with these 2 errors over and over setting the believer securely on the foundation built by the apostles, avoiding the errors of replacement theology or hyper Messianic churches.This booklet in it's simplicity and beauty along with the one on Passover The Miracle of Passover are ideal for understanding a Jewish friend and explaining the Jewish roots of Christianity and how Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies of what we call the Old Testament. This one has an overview of each feast and how Jesus fulfills the feast but the one on Passover goes into that feast in depth.I cannot over emphasize the value of Zola and his gift for making things simple. As another favourite Christian author Dr. J. Vernon McGee once said--"putting the cookies on the bottom shelf" meaning that the truths of the gospel should remain accessible to all believers regardless of their age or mental abilities. The rule I abide by in teaching (Home School, Bible Studies and Sunday School classes) is that anything taught will be better absorbed, retained and used thru life if it is presented in the simplest possible form.I was so grieved to hear of Zola's passing a few years back. I got my Kindle the summer of 2011 and have consistently checked every few months to see if Zola's work made it to Kindle. I was so happy yesterday to find this here along with many others in his booklet series. It seems that only one remains to be "kindle-ized". That is "The Signs of the End" and I look forward to seeing it soon.I am happy to say that whoever was doing the job of creating the Kindle version of these booklets did a superb job. The clickable table of contents works well in each book, the formatting and the text are unchanged, as is the cover art. Small details, but someone put loving care and attention to making sure these gems are perfect in their Kindle setting.I can't recommend them highly enough, 5 stars hardly covers how I feel about Zola's work. Don't despise them for their size or price. This one, and it's siblings are some of the best things you will ever have.And for those who homeschool as I did, please consider these to introduce upper elementary and middle schoolers to this content. I used them in personal Bible study with my children, and like McGee's stuff, these are so easy for the young to understand, that they are valuable just in that context alone.Simple concise teaching is a jewel. For pastors, teachers and Bible Study leaders, your students may not have the ability to grasp and retain long scholarly dissertations, but this they can easily absorb into busy overloaded stress filled lives. Ditto for personal study.

I loved the way Zola showed the connection between the feasts in the Old Testament and the Rapture. Even though I have been a Christian since age 9 and am now 73, I never learned much about the feasts. I am really sorry that I waited so long. Most pastors do not preach a lot about the OT and it is a shame. The OT is revealed in the NT and the NT is hidden in the old. It is paramount that we learn about both in order to have a good understanding of God's word. I am working on learning as much as I can about God's people Israel and praying each day for peace in Jerusalem as we are instructed in Psalm 122. Things are happening very fast and end times are approaching quickly. We need to be as prepared as possible and that includes knowing how the feasts and the blood moons fit into end times things. D. Jordan

I read this many, many years ago. During a Bible study at church, we began discussing the Jewish feasts and I remembered this book. I couldn't find the old copy I had but was thrilled to find it on Amazon and in Kindle format! Also, as an Obstetric RN for 40 years, the comparison study regarding the feasts and the development of a human totally is awesome. I know Zola has been rejoicing in Heaven for several years now, but his teachings go on!!

Zola is a great teacher of the truths of God whose teaching extends to us & future generations, even though he has gone on to be with the Lord. He takes us through the first feasts of Israel with good application to the Christian life. However, there are some applications that seem a bit speculative. This is especially true in the section on pregnancy & child birth...some of this chapter seems a bit of a stretch. Nevertheless, a good book.

Very interesting and I especially liked his conclusions after he had presented all of the feasts. It is exciting to see how God has given us a preview of His plans for His people using these feasts! His information on human pregnancy and how it can be tied into these feasts was something that I had never heard before and was a blessing to me. I would recommend this book to anyone.

I could not hold back the tears of great joy when reading of the seven feast days, which I had studied many times and reaped such blessing and what they held for me. I've been a serious student of scripture for 40 years and on this night an answer came to a prayer uttered many times seeking the wisdom of GOD. Through this little book and that still small voice of a HOLY GOD who spoke to me, a sinner, unworthy of the least of His blessings, the answer. I always marvel at the unspeakable wisdom of my LORD and His Holy Word !!!

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