Rabu, 28 November 2012


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Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities

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Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities

About the Author

Associate Professor of Management, School of Business and Economics, Indiana University at South Bend

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Product details

Paperback: 582 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 3 edition (November 13, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1284052710

ISBN-13: 978-1284052718

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 1.2 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

18 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#371,218 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

It's great to see there's actually a textbook in this topic, and this one is far better than the 150 page test prep book sold by NAB for $130. That is if you want to have a real resource for useful information... The NAB study guide WILL get you through the test, but I found it scattered and incomplete as a resource for doing the job... Once you pass the test.

Nice readibg

Got this book to study for the NAB, as it is recommended for studying by the state of kansas. I am just starting to read the book, but so far it has met all of my expectations. It is easy to read and follow, which helps immensely when studying for the state licensing exam to be a nursing home administrator.

It was very helpful and easy access for me and my studies.

Book arrived on time and it was a very understandable read. I highly recommend it. If you want to know more about healthcare read this book.

Very thorough and up-to-date information. Case studies are though provoking. Great resource on management of long term care facilities and issues in long term care.

A+ Like brand newm

Covers long term care past, present, and future. Covers regulatory, legal and ethical concerns as well as reimbursement procedures. Lots of challenging and interesting case studies. What more can I say, I received an "A" in Long Term Care Administration.

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Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities PDF

Minggu, 25 November 2012


Download PDF , by Lee Strobel Jane Vogel

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, by Lee Strobel Jane Vogel

Product details

File Size: 2293 KB

Print Length: 105 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Zondervan/Youth Specialties; Student edition (February 23, 2010)

Publication Date: February 23, 2010

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#287,646 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Case for Faith tackles eight of the toughest objections to Christianity. These include the problem of suffering in the world, the apparent contradictions of miracles and science, hell, the idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and the hypocrisy of the Church. Author, Lee Strobel, systematically tackles each topic with a series of interviews with respected experts on the matter. What may be especially interesting to scientifically-minded people is the fact that the author began as an atheist who set out to disprove Christianity. After interviewing the experts, he found enough logical reasons to accept the religion and become a Christian himself.A lot of points made in this book appeal to logic. For a non-believer, it can help. Ultimately, faith is a choice. One can choose to accept the reasons to believe or accept the reasons not to believe. For someone struggling and trying to believe, reading this book is a step in the right direction. There will still be questions, but the deliberation questions at the end of each section will make the reader think about what objections he or she might still have and the reasons for having them. Many will find this self-reflection process useful. A list of additional reading materials is offered after each section for those wishing to investigate further. For the believer, this book is a reaffirmation of faith. Whether the reader is a believer or non-believer, this book is a good read and one that will make the reader think.

For anyone who is a non-believer like me I think this book is a good start. I read many of the reviews including many of the one star reviews where I found they had some valid points. One thing I don't agree is with is this book is boring. I found his writing and interviewing style engaging. I like the questions he asked and the people he interviewed but at times I felt he didn't push far enough and accepted the person he interviewed as having just spoken irrefutable,absolute truth. So, there are no counter interviews from others experts other than Templeton in this book which he uses for the basis of some of his questions. So, this book is basically "preaching to the choir" but a good start if someone is trying to believe.I still struggle with the thought that their are billions of other people out there raised in other religions who supposedly are going to hell. I can almost guarantee if Mr Strobel or anyone was born and raised in a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist society that they would adopt the religion they were raised in. I didn't' think his book did a good job of answering this question nor have I ever heard anyone answer it with any intellectual honesty.As a side note I wanted to loan this book from my Kindle to my wife's Kindle but was not given that option. Doesn't seem very Christian like I couldn't share his book but that didn't reflect my star rating.

Lee Strobel, once an atheist and now a committed Christian, is a master at these books. I had already read "The Case for Christ" by Strobel and found it an excellent intellectual and pastoral approach to belief in Christ. When I saw Strobel had written a book on faith, I thought I'd try this one as well. Again, an excellent approach to the question of faith.Strobel is a master story-teller. Each of the eight "objections" to faith which Strobel investigates (in chapter format) is introduced by an engaging story and anchored with an interview with a person known for writing/lecturing on that topic. Through these devices, Strobel (mostly) holds the reader's attention. (Some topics are obviously going to interest the reader more than others.)These are tough objections to Christianity: suffering, miracles, evolution, God killing innocent children, Jesus is the only way to God, God tortures people in hell, Christianity is filled with oppression and violence, doubt and Christianity. I think that investigative reporter Strobel finds satisfying answers to the objections.This is a book written by an Evangelical interviewing many Evangelicals; thus, the approach is different in some places than it would be for a Catholic like me. But it was helpful to learn from other approaches. I didn't read the book because of my own faith-questions, but because I wanted to see how articulate people answer these difficult questions. I learned much and I think that the book helped me to understand some of these issues better, making me a better advocate of the Christian message, which I have come to embrace as life-giving Truth. I appreciate anything that can help me to share and reflect that Truth to others.I agree with Strobel that in the end, you have to take what you have and move with it. You can try to get it clear in your head, which is helpful, but living it helps bring clarity and the knowledge that this is Truth. That certainly helps make life worth living and much easier to talk with people struggling with faith issues.I highly recommend this book. My challenge now is that I have two more of Strobel's books to read!

I enjoyed this book. It was nice to see some intellectual arguments posited instead of the same tired, circular arguments that the bible is true because the bible says it is. That's not to say there weren't some arguments that seemed to presuppose Christianity in order to justify it, but the logical fallacies weren't gross and obvious. And there were just a few of these instances.I particularly enjoyed the section on doubt.This would be a good book for believers who who want to expand their apologist arguments or for fence-sitters who want to believe, or even want to want to believe. :)

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, by Lee Strobel Jane Vogel PDF

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Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31)

Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31)

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Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31)

Language Notes

Text: English, Latin Original Language: Latin

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About the Author

John Carew Rolfe (1859–1943) taught at Cornell, Harvard, and the Universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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Product details

Hardcover: 528 pages

Publisher: Harvard University Press; Revised Edition edition (January 1, 1914)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0674995708

ISBN-13: 978-0674995703

Product Dimensions:

4.5 x 1 x 6.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

11 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#150,135 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Loeb translations are a great way to keep acquainted with Latin as the years pass. Suetonius is a gossipy form of history and quite interesting as a result. This volume addresses the death of Caesar and it is interesting to see how his version and Shakespeare’s version compare. One interesting difference is that Caesar’s famous reply to Brutus was not “et tu brute”, but the Greek “Kiai su technon”. (You too my son?) giving some to say that Brutus was his illegitimate son. Just a thought

Certainly colorful accounts of these men. Hopefully the original writings haven't been too "redone" according to present political perceptions by the translators/s. I bought this for the section on Augustus, which is riveting, but the whole work would seem to be a good source of info for the Julio-Claudians.

Suetonius, volumes 1 and 2, are a basic source for early imperial Rome. It has the original Latin with an interlinear English translation. It's useful for the beginning student of Roman history, or a more advanced scholar.

Hard to find a Latin and English book of Suetonius, this is a good discovery. The translation is a little dated, but will give an English reader a good understanding of the Latin prose.Don't get this thinking there will be many notes, like a standard reader.

As usual, you cannot beat Loeb. Good book & excellent translation & notes.

Purchased for research on the life of Caligula. It doesn't get much better. Suetonius on the lives of the Caesars.

Very interesting reading!

As advertised...

Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31) PDF
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Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31) PDF

Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31) PDF

Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31) PDF
Suetonius, Vol. 1: The Lives of the Caesars--Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula (Loeb Classical Library, No. 31) PDF

Minggu, 18 November 2012


Download PDF The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age

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The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age

The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age

The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age

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The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age

About the Author

Ed Greenberg has been a litigator practicing in New York City for over thirty years, has represented some of the top photographers and illustrators in the business as well as the average Joes and Janes striving to make a name for themselves. He has been on the faculty and a guest lecturer in the Masters Program in Digital Photography at The School of Visual Arts in New York and has lectured nationwide on photographers’, artists’ and models’ rights on behalf of NAPP, PPA, APA and EP. Jack Reznicki is an internationally renowned commercial people and children photographer based in New York City. Jack’s creative problem solving has helped promote products and services for many companies such as Toys "R" Us, Tylenol, The Wall Street Journal, Hyatt, Kodak, Reader’s Digest, Crest, AT&T, Playtex, and several Time Magazine covers.

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Product details

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (February 15, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1138022578

ISBN-13: 978-1138022577

Product Dimensions:

8 x 1 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

39 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#133,755 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is the "real deal" when it comes to learning how to register and protect your images. But it also goes far beyond the "how" to register and really explains the the "why" and gives a history and breakdown of the whole copyright process. Jack & Ed take you on a journey starting with the US Constitution and discussing the need to know or the need to "think about" issues that the modern day photographers faces. Issues such as posting images to social media, why you should register wedding photography, revenge porn and so much more. Jack & Ed dispel many myths and urban legends in this book. I ask you; who do you want to believe? Some obscure blog writer or some guy/gal at the local photography club or Ed Greenberg who has made a career out of looking after people's intellectual properties. Lean about model releases, I have been using model releases for a long time and I learned so much more about using releases. This book in my opinion is more valuable to a serious photographer than any "how to" tutorial book could ever be. What good is any image if you cannot protect it and call it your own?

An excellent book! It is well-written, easy to understand and probably one of the most useful books I have read in a long time.Although your work is automatically copyrighted upon creation, this book explains various nuances of copyright law as it pertains to photographers and why you should really register your images and get the full protection of Federal Law to cover your intellectual property.Well worth the small investment in my opinion.----An aside... GIMP hint: If, like me you use GIMP rather than PhotoShop for your editing, a useful plugin for being able to resize your images to upload to the Copyright Office, as suggested by the authors, can be found by searching the web for the phrase "David's Batch Processor"

An indispensable tool for photographers who want to protect their rights and their business. Jack and Ed are like having Walter White and Saul Goodman showing you how to come out on top when the big corporte media cartels try to take what's yours and bury you.My favorite part of the book is the step-by-step, diagram-by-diagram tutorial on how to register your photographs with the Copyright Office. Once you've done it once or twice, it's easy. The information in this book is worth tens of thousands of dollars if it were billed by an attorney. From copyright, to ironclad paperwork practices, to business-savvy advice, to agents and lawyers, insurance, pricing and fee-negotiating, this book has everything you need from the starting level to know the "game" of photography in the modern age. They include both the monetary triumphs and tragic losses of photographers past who either did, or did not know the treacherous world of business. A business world you are in whether you want to be or not. I highly recommend this easy to read, plain spoken and even funny in areas book that will educate and inform any person with a camera who wants to shoot pictures either professionally or as a hobby. Knowledge is protection, and as in any full-contact sport such as intellectual property management (your photos), you better wear protection. If you're the type of photographer that would rather walk softly but carry a big stick, the knowledge in this book is your big stick. Go fourth with confidence.

Simply put, until you read this, your knowledge of what you can and cannot get away with as a photographer is laughably basic.Do any of you photogs use your clients' imagery in "your" sales materials without a signed release from everyone pictured? Read this book to understand the big hole you might be digging beneath your feet.Get it, read it, heed it.The only thing I wish for is to have the sample contracts within the book available as downloadable digital text.

"The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age" is a book every creative person, not just photographers, should read. It demystifies the process of copyright registration, explaining the benefits and repercussions with humor and real-life examples. It also walks the reader through the copyright registration process with clear and concise direction.

Comprehensive book that should serve as a reference to photographers - not online forums where people don't know better. Easy to read and there's a walkthrough example of copyright registration. They go into invoices, contracts and licensing as it pertains to copyright. Highly recommend!

So full of information that I keep rereading it to make sure I got everything. I am a fast reader normally but don't want to miss a thing in this.

Thanks to this book, I now leave no photos without official copyright. It's potentially saved me thousands of dollars in legal fees.

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The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age Kindle

The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age PDF

The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age PDF

The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age PDF
The Copyright Zone: A Legal Guide For Photographers and Artists In The Digital Age PDF

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