Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010


Free Ebook Highway Engineering

This book is one recommended book that can heal and deal with the time you have. Spare time is the best time to read a book. When there are no friends to talk with, this is better to utilize that time for reading. If you are being in the long waiting lists, this is also the perfect time to read or even being on an enjoyable trip. Highway Engineering can be a good friend; of course this simple book will perform as good as you think about.

Highway Engineering

Highway Engineering

Highway Engineering

Free Ebook Highway Engineering

Highway Engineering. One day, you will certainly discover a new experience and understanding by investing more cash. However when? Do you think that you should acquire those all demands when having significantly cash? Why don't you attempt to get something simple initially? That's something that will lead you to recognize more concerning the world, experience, some areas, history, enjoyment, and also a lot more? It is your very own time to proceed reviewing practice. One of guides you can delight in now is Highway Engineering below.

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Highway Engineering

From the Back Cover

Highway Engineering covers all the basic material needed by civil engineers to address the analysis, design and construction of motorways and roads. The repair, renovation and replacement of highway infrastructure, along with the provision of new highways, are core elements of civil engineering, so the book covers both theory and practice in sufficient depth to provide a solid grounding to students of civil engineering and trainee practitioners. By making frequent reference to the Department for Transports Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Highway Engineering moves in a logical sequence from the planning and economic justification for a highway, through the geometric design and traffic analysis of highway links and intersections, to the design and maintenance of both flexible and rigid pavements. It also places the provision of roads and motorways in context by introducing the economic, political, social and administrative dimensions of the subject, along with introducing the important topic of sustainability in transport engineering. Primarily a text for undergraduate students of civil engineering, the third edition of Highway Engineering covers topics that will also be of interest to surveyors and transport planners.

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About the Author

Martin Rogers BE, MEngSc, PhD, BA(Public Ad), CEng, MICE, MRTPI, Chartered Engineer and Chartered Town Planner, has worked in private practice as well as in local authorities, and was a member of the Dublin Transport Initiative Study Team that devised the first integrated transportation plan for the Dublin city region. He joined the permanent staff at the Dublin Institute of Technology in 1993, was Assistant Head of School with responsibility for first year engineering from 2010 to 2014, and is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Structural Engineering. Bernard Enright BE, MSc, PhD originally qualified as a civil engineer and worked in information technology in engineering and in the financial markets for 25 years. He joined the School of Civil and Structural Engineering at Dublin Institute of Technology as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering in 2003, where he chairs the Bachelor of Engineering Technology degree programme in Civil Engineering. He completed his PhD on the subject of traffic loading of highway bridges in 2010, and has published extensively on this and related topics.

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Product details

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition (May 31, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1118378156

ISBN-13: 978-1118378151

Product Dimensions:

6.7 x 0.8 x 9.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,517,043 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Highway Engineering PDF

Senin, 20 Desember 2010


Free Download

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Product details

File Size: 446 KB

Print Length: 13 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 20, 2013

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#480,647 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Original sub rosa work on magic and mind reading effects with a prepared pack of cards. Si Stebbins was a veteran of vaudeville, whose creations with cards were appropriated by Thurston The Great, without due credit and published. Required reading for those interested in learning the Si Stebbins' Arrangement.

excellent read for card magicians

The content is great. I just can't give a good review on a physical book that was $8 for 12 pages. If you order this, stick to the ebook.

This short ebook is not to bad to read and learn from. The author kept everything as simple as possible for the beginner.





Kamis, 16 Desember 2010


Get Free Ebook

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Get Free Ebook

Speaking about pastime, among the pastimes that make somebody effective is reading. In addition, reviewing a high competent book. One that you could select as the source is This is not kind of basic book that has terrific name. It is specific publication that we really recommend you to read. By having leisure activity to check out publications, you can always enhance your mind in all the moment. And what you can take currently to help you discover the responsible reading product is this book.

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Product details

File Size: 4473 KB

Publisher: Oli Oli Productions, LLC; 2017 edition (July 14, 2017)

Publication Date: July 14, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#404,233 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book has an astounding number of Hawaiian songs. Some hapa haole, some contemporary, but mostly good, new and older Hawaiian music. I only wish that a set of CDs came with the book for reference, as I don't read music and have to hunt down each song on YouTube. Also, it would be highly preferable, to me at least, to spiral-bind the book so it lays flat. I had that done for another $10, but it would be nice if it came that way. So add spiral-binding and some CDs, and it would be perfect!! Thank you.

Excellent and most complete and comprehensive collection of Hawaiian songs, lyrics, chords and history with translations.

It's a great book if you want to learn classic Island songs - the ones all the kama'aina know.

This is the best and largest collection of Hawaiian music available today. I know the authors and they did a terrific job with both the Hawaiian lyrics as well as the background information.

I bought the book for the translation. I dance hula, and wanted to know what the story was about, to the hulls we do in class.The bonus is the Ukelele instructions. I do that too!

I may not hear all of these songs, but it looks like a great resource. I will be tracking the songs I hear, to see if they are in this book.

The binding is great. Sits open without holding. Did not purchase spiral bound and happy i didnt pay the extra money.

Songs are in a different key than the CD...have to transpose to play along with himin order to learn them





Senin, 29 November 2010


Ebook In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

Just what do you think about In Search Of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius In The Shadow Of Gurdjieff, By Gary Lachman as one that we offer currently? This is a fantastic book that belongs to the updated lately book to release. When great deals of individuals attempt to get this book trouble, you can be simpler to accompany us as well as seek for it for much easier methods. As well as this is you time to educate your close friend concerning this good news. Providing the excellent details concerning this publication to others will ease after that not to get difficulty anymore, in addition for far better details.

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

Ebook In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

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In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman

About the Author

Gary Lachman is the author of more than a dozen books on the meeting ground between consciousness, culture, and the western esoteric tradition. He is a regular contributor to several journals in the US and UK and he regularly lectures on his work in the US, UK, and Europe. He has appeared on many television and radio programs and in documentaries and is Adjunct Professor in the Evolution on Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His work has been translated into a dozen languages. In a previous life he was a founding member of the rock group Blondie and in 2006 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A native of New Jersey, since 1996 he has lived in London, England. For more information visit

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Product details

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: Quest Books; 2nd edition (October 25, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0835608484

ISBN-13: 978-0835608480

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.9 out of 5 stars

17 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#335,136 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I've read all the classic G & O literature and it's been a tremendous blast. Decades have passed and, like every other experience, it has all faded into standard memory, leaving only some pleasantries and old-timer's allegories to "pass on to my children." The conclusion of this book is that Ouspensky ended his life a defeated man: it had all turned to nothing. Living it, taking the tour, having the adventure was all there ever was. To have a goal: Ouspensky's ultimate advice.If so, I think he's got it dead right. I think that's all anyone "knows." The arguments that have ranged back and forth through these reviews do not give the impression of a community that has learned anything fundamental about our place in the universe, or of any "destiny" for us as human beings.I have little interest in purported systems of insight into our ultimate nature anymore. I simply don't believe. It was all a good story and Ouspensky was a brilliant storyteller, whom I've always felt close to and would have dearly loved to meet. The only other dead man I'd really like to have met would be Che Guevara. I think that both he and O had guts and tried to remain true to the last.Perhaps Gurdjieff was a great man, but I found the recordings of his voice [the harmonium tapes] most disappointing. For me, the question is this: who would one like to have had as a friend? Ouspensky would be at the top of my list, along with Che. The latter, too, strove to create "The New Man," and it's that effort, that passion, that compulsion, that I find attractive.This book tells a good story, I recommend it.

Excellent Book. Well written and researched. Fills in my questions on why Mr. Ouspensky departed from Mr. Gurdjieff.It was very sad for me to hear about Mr. Ouspensky's mental and emotional downfall at the end of his life.I highly recommend this work for all those interested in the Work.



Product as described, fast shipping, thank you!

At least he spelled G's name right, otherwise, everything in this book is rehashed. Nothing original. Fortunately, i found it at the library, so it wasn't a costly mistake. don't buy it, just read In Search of the Miraculous again. and again.

Partly a biography of Ouspensky and partly an examination of the similarities and differences in his spiritual beliefs and those of his mentor Gurdjieff, Lachman's work basically searches for the reasons for or causes of the eventual estrangement between these two spiritual leaders of the early twentieth century. Lachman places them in the company of Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, and Aleister Crowley. Ouspensky and Gurdjieff first met in Moscow; their lives were disrupted by the Russian Revolution; and both eventually ended up in London. Gurdjieff has the claims to greater fame and influence in the areas of the occult and mysticism. Although Lackman does not completely dismiss the bases for Gurdjieff's higher reputation, he does bring light to Ouspensky's originality, independence, and influence. Gurjieff's higher standing in relation Ouspensky is seen as a result of his craftiness, which is a type of worldliness whereby he managed his image to try to make for an assured and favorable legacy. While the relative stature of each in this vein of modern spirituality can finally be only opinion, in his search to establish such stature, Lachman opens up many dimensions of the modern-day spirituality espoused by these two, both of whom were undeniably influential. Lachman has written two previous books and has appeared on BBC programs on topics related to his writings of social critique and modern spirituality.

While I have no problems with the fact that this book was written by an ex-punk rocker, I do have a problem with a writer who doesn't write objectively, but uses his work to promote what he believes in, and bashes what he opposes, in what is meant to be a neutral analysis. Gurdjieff and his doings are always described in a negative way, and it seems the man can't do a thing right in Lachman's eyes. This constant negative slant inevitably leads to serious contradictions though. Probably the most obvious one is the paradox that while Gurdjieff is portrayed as a conman out to make a buck by fooling the gullible, he is simultaneously criticized for always breaking off his various ventures in setting up schools (in Tiflis, Fontainbleau, etc) just as they were getting started. The most dramatic example of this was the closure of the school at Fontainbleau of course, just when he was attracting the wealthy and famous. Seems like a crazy move for a conman though. Just when he had things set up to make big bucks, he closes the whole thing down. No, accuse the man of many things, being erratic, inconsiderate, downright eccentric, but a conman out to make a buck he certainly was not.This is just one example from a book of contradictions that far from throwing a favourable light on Ouspensky, shows him up as being an insecure man who in his last years seemed extremely doubtful of what he'd been teaching for 30 years. While this may come as no surprise to all who have tried to penetrate Ouspensky's turgid work 'The Fourth Way', it certainly should give second thoughts to those who see Ouspensky as a genius overshadowed by Gurdjieff, when in fact it is clear that if he hadn't met Gurdjieff, he would have remained the second-rate, wannabe mystic and esotericist he was at the time of their first meeting. This book is still interesting for the many anecdotes and interesting information on both men, but don't expect an objective account of their relationship.

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman PDF
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman EPub
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman Doc
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman iBooks
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman rtf
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman Mobipocket
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman Kindle

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman PDF

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman PDF

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman PDF
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of Gurdjieff, by Gary Lachman PDF

Minggu, 28 November 2010


Ebook Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

When you are taking a trip for someplace, this suffices to bring always this book that can be conserved in device in soft data system. By saving it, you could fill the time in the train, car, or various other transportation to read. Or when you have extra time in your holiday, you could spend couple of for reading Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way To Discover France - Especially For Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) So, this is really suitable to review every time you can make real of it.

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

Ebook Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

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Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1)

About the Author

The interactive Kids’ Travel Guides series tell your kids everything they need to know about the country or city you plan to visit. From planning and packing to returning home with a record of great family memories to cherish. The fun way to lean with quizzes, tasks, coloring pages, and many more surprises! Our series also includes books for Italy, Rome, Thailand, Bangkok, London, United Kingdom, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and New York City Get more tips, information, special offers and promo code at FlyingKids makes your family travel more fun, educational, and meaningful.

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Product details

Series: Kids' Travel Guide Series (Book 1)

Paperback: 40 pages

Publisher: FlyingKids; 2 edition (December 4, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1910994049

ISBN-13: 978-1910994047

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.1 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.2 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#523,115 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Very sketchy and caters to 5 year olds. Disappointing - don't buy.

My children loved our stay in France. We bought this book as we were worried they would find it a bit dull, as we were staying with family and knew we wouldn’t be doing as many things as normal. When we did go out and about my kids had more of a clue about France and they really liked trying out all the new words they learned – their accents were awful, but it was great to see them having fun! The tips were useful too.

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) PDF
Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) EPub
Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) Doc
Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) iBooks
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Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) PDF

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) PDF

Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) PDF
Kids' Travel Guide - France: The Fun Way to Discover France - Especially for Kids (Kids' Travel Guide Series) (Volume 1) PDF

Kamis, 25 November 2010


Download PDF , by Subhash Kak

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, by Subhash Kak

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, by Subhash Kak

Product details

File Size: 4879 KB

Print Length: 421 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Cosmology Science Publishers (October 25, 2015)

Publication Date: October 25, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#330,960 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The first two chapters of the book deal with the similarities between the cosmology and philosophy of Hindu religion and Quantum Mechanics as it relates to the observer/consciousness. These first two chapters suggest that consciousness is fundamental and inherently non-local in nature as is Quantum Mechanics.The third chapter looks at how biological organisms and their brains may involve quantum mechanical and chaotic dynamics and how these processes may assist with the survival of the organism. Particularly, King suggests that weak quantum measurements and quantum entanglement may be utilised by organisms in order for them to exercise free will and navigate future events.In the fourth chapter, J.R. Smythies puts forward his "materialist dualist" thesis that conscious experience exists in a phenomenal space-time that intersects with physical space-time.Chapter five looks at the notion put forward by materialist views of mind that consciousness is just a epiphenomena of the brain. The writer contends that observer effects in quantum theory along with our conceptual understanding of some neuropsychological disorders entail that scientist must take conscious or mental properties as casually real effects in the world.Chapter six takes a look at the philosopher Kant's view of time as fundamental to how the mind has knowledge of the world. This chapter goes on to look at how hallucinatory states as seen in psychiatric and neural disorder can cause distortions in our temporal experiences and our sense of reality. This chapter asks if hallucinatory experiences can give us other realities that are commeasurable with our own?Chapter seven is a brief chapter that posits that consciousness occurs in the brain in discrete moments - approximately 4 times per second. The writer argues that these moments of consciousness are connected by "consciousness vectors" - where a vector describes something with a direction and magnitude. The idea is not very much elaborated on in the chapter.Chapter 8 looks how the psychological presentation of the "Now" or present differs in its representational nature from the psychological future and past. The writer argues that the mental representation of the future and past leads to an abstract "timeless" depiction of the physical world.In Chapter 9, Corballis looks at what is referred to us "mental time travel" or the psychological ability to remember the past and imagine the future. Corballis argues that Mental Time Travel evolved naturally from Evolution and that animals may have the capacity for Mental Time Travel but possibly not in regards a sense of self or self narrative. Corballis argues that in humans language involves and evolves Mental Time Travel. The chapter also looks at the hippocampus' involvement in MTT in the brains of both humans and animals.Chapter 10 extends on the previous chapter by looking at "chronethesia" which is the more narrative aspect of Mental Time Travel possessed by humans and involves the subjective projection of the self in time in relation to the body and our knowledge of death or our own mortality.Chapter 11 sites Corballis' examination of episodic memory and sense of self and argues that examples of mental or brain disorder such as schizophrenia and alzheimers show how episodic memory and sense of self can come apart. In disorders such as Alzheimers someone may retain as sense of "I" or acting self but lose a conceptual sense of self or a "me" sense of self.Chapter 12 is a short article on the hippocampus, episodic memory and mental time travel. Evidence is sited for similar hippocampal structures used in both humans and birds for spatial processing and imagination.Chapter 13 looks at how past, present or future orientated thinking in people can influence personality traits, social and cultural structures. The chapter also looks at the different neural structures associated with past, present or future orientated thinking.Chapter 14 is a long chapter that looks at the notion of time in physics and temporal anomalies in conscious experience. The chapter explores: time as understood in Einstein Special and General Relativity; Quantum theory - looking at quantum entanglement and the Everett Interpretation of Multiple Universes; Godel or Rotating Universes and Tachyons - that involve violations of causation or so-called "backward" causation; the psychological phenomena of Deja Vu and evidence for human precognition.Chapter 15 explores the psychiatrists Carl Jung's notion of Synchronicity (meaningful coincidences) and suggests that they could be explained by quantum entanglement. The chapters suggest that Freudian unconscious, pre-conscious and conscious states may be entangled "qu-bit" states in the brain. The article is brief and although it states it entails a "no-collapse" model of quantum processes it does not elaborate why. Nor does it explain why the writers feel that "mental states are non-reducible (just correlated) to brain states."Chapter 16 looks at an Everett "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics where perceptions or mental events are fundamental. The writer argues that quantum theory entails that there are many worlds or "channels" of experienced events which can be explicated better with addition of what he calls an "anthropic quotient" which is a measure of the rate of conscious thought or thoughts per unit of time.Chapter 17 looks again at time as in relates to Einstein's theories and the "Many Worlds" model of Quantum Mechanics. This chapter is written by the same person who wrote chapter seven (Joseph) and covers much of the same territory with some of the same paragraphs copied verbatim. However, the chapter focuses more on how the Many Worlds Model of QM can be used to account for possible temporal paradoxes created by time travel.Chapter 18 closes with a purely physics perspective of how time travel may occur with black holes and/or worm holes. Amongst other ideas, this chapter looks at how the gravitational effects of black holes could create "tears" in the fabric of space-time which cause time to travel backwards or from future to past thus creating mirror universes.Overall this book is a fascinating read for anyone interested in questions regarding the nature of consciousness, time and reality. However, all the chapters in this book should be seen as a brief introduction into many of the contributing writers ideas. One feels that hours if not years could be spent elaborating on and challenging some of the ideas in this book. After all, the ideas in this book cover a vast and controversial scope of science, philosophy and psychology.

This is not a book for those who simply are curious about the physics of time and space. It is a collection of papers by a number of authors that are mostly metaphysical musings on the interaction of "mind and cosmos". Some of the speculations by authors are interesting and novel, but they fail the measure of scientific verification entirely. Others are quite good and to the point and therefore reach other conclusions. I find it hard to read speculations about quantum interactions of the mind, when as yet we have no real concept (Gestalt) of such an entity. Many papers seemed to posit a clear role for the mind of being quantum entangled with its environment when that has yet to be established realistically. Others claimed the the more metaphysical pronouncements of Heisenberg and von Neuman as mostly established fact when they are mostly gospel. However, I read it with some interest to learn what the philosophers of today are grappling with.

Great book - I'm Not a physicist but this is written with folks like me in mind. Thought provoking and interesting.I recommend:)

Very interesting.

Excellent read

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, by Subhash Kak PDF

, by Subhash Kak PDF

, by Subhash Kak PDF
, by Subhash Kak PDF

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


Ebook Free Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

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Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

Ebook Free Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

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Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean

From Publishers Weekly

Giudice, famous for table flipping and gushing over her juicy husband, Joe, on Bravo's Real Housewives of New Jersey, offers a simple rundown of Italian standards like pesto and puttanesca sauces, veal piccata, steak pizzaiola, almond biscotti and the classic bellini in her authentic yet dishy look into food and family. Few recipes will surprise the seasoned Italian cook, though Giudice gets points for keeping dishes rather healthy while boosting flavor with fresh herbs, pungent garlic, and hot pepper. Coupled with family photos and sidebar comments about their friends and favorite dishes from Teresa and Joe, the book plays well to a younger, hipper home cook. With a focus on steering clear of reputation-ruining no-nos like jarred sauce and rinsing cooked pasta, Giudice dives into some deeper waters with coaching on making pizza dough and canning tomatoes. Though she tries a little too hard to make everything salacious, gorgeous, and fabulous, useful tips abound (the section on olive oil is titled OO, VOO, EVOO, WTF?). Take away the overblown catch phrases and effusive references to her mama, The Sopranos, and the motherland, and you're left with a solid mid-week Italian cookbook. Then again, perhaps it's the chatty Teresa and her feisty yet playful anecdotes that make this an irresistible, guilty pleasure. (May) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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About the Author

Teresa Giudice is the star of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. After a career in the fashion industry, Teresa and her husband opened a restaurant in Hillside, New Jersey: Giuseppe's Homestyle Pizzeria. Giudice has been married to fellow Italian and childhood sweetheart Joe Giudice for 10 years. The couple has four daughters: Gia, Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana.

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Product details

Paperback: 256 pages

Publisher: Hachette Books; 1 edition (May 4, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1401310354

ISBN-13: 978-1401310356

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 0.8 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

359 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#198,715 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

All of Teresa's cookbooks feature true Italian recipes. What I loved most about this book was the sauce canning event. Not only did she give a great family sauce recipe but she also showed you how to make a years worth of sauce.

I love all Teresa’s books every single recipe is delicious healthy and super easy !! If you love fresh food with great flavor buy this book.... buy ALL her books , ...I DID!!

Very good book. Very good information on how to buy olive oil, pasta quality, myths about fattening foods,etc. Just not very many recipes. More of a good how-to book.

Love the recipes in this book& the style in which the chapters are written. I have gotten a lot of use iut of my copy over the last 6.5 years! However, if she ever reissues her books, she might want to consider having them spiral bound - the pages in the sauce section are starting to fall out of mine. This is the reason why I’m not giving it 5 stars.

I have all of these cookbooks. This one is still my favorite. Easy recipes and fun stories. Even my children love the food.

Great recipes.

Like Teresa's cookbooks.

awesome recipes

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean PDF
Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean EPub
Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean Doc
Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean iBooks
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Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean Kindle

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean PDF

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean PDF

Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean PDF
Skinny Italian: Eat It and Enjoy It - Live La Bella Vita and Look Great, Too!, by Teresa Giudice Heather Maclean PDF

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


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Product details

File Size: 48847 KB

Print Length: 342 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: BookBaby; 1 edition (May 7, 2018)

Publication Date: May 7, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#27,659 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The author pays tribute to Earnest Gann and he does a great job in writing in his style. A lot of solid, hard to find and user-friendly information about weather flying and operating the twin Beech. At over 300 pages it was very satisfying to have a book I didn't finish in a day. I too am a lover of the round engine, having flown and worked on them for the last decade I want to do nothing else. Bravo to the Scott in writing a real keeper of a book!! Now I only hope my crappy memory forgets most of it so I can read it again!!!


As a retired Air Traffic Controller I found the book entertaining and educational to what the voices on the other side of the radio were thinking and doing. I worked many 18’s over the years and loved the roar of the big radials on takeoff! Even had one back in the 80’s inbound late one night, IFR conditions with moderate snow falling. One engine shut and pilot reporting picking up ice. The old Beech made the field and we all went home happy that night. Thanks for the great stories and sharing them with us.

Loved it. Anyone who likes airplanes will be immersed in the author’s time and place with the twin Beech but if you flew or fly old planes trying to make it in aviation it is very evocative. Flashes of the same kind of genius writing as old Ernie Gann, not ripping him off but as a tribute. Very satisfying ending as well. I normally don’t do 5 stars but for me this was great.

A very personal and fascinating insight into a flying world of days gone by. Understanding the men and their machines

A great read and story. Highlights a very unique, exiting, and sometimes dangerous part of freight flying. Makes you appreciate the skill and bravery of these pilots, and why they loved the ubiquitous Beech 18 that was the quintessential cargo plane at the time.

An easy read. I flew Beech 18s in the early to mid 70s. Brought back many find memories. I good book for anyone who has a love of flying!

Scott,Thank you for sharing the experiences of you and your fellow freight dogs. While I took a different path to our current airline, I felt like I was there with you while reading this book. Fantastic job!I am so glad Sugar Charlie found her way to your quiet hangar!





Jumat, 24 September 2010


Get Free Ebook , by Bill Martin

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Product details

File Size: 36571 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR); 1st edition (June 25, 2013)

Publication Date: June 25, 2013

Sold by: Macmillan

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,316 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Hands down, "Brown Bear" is better than this.However, when the two are interchanged regularly, this is also a fun book to read.My children definitely prefer Brown Bear to Polar Bear, but this requires more parental "animation" to make the book fun.Still worth the purchase....

My daughter loved this book, unfortunately it stopped working about 2 months after we got it. I figured it was just the batteries, so I put it away until I was able to find some replacements. Just put the new batteries in and it still doesn't work. I understand that some toys won't last forever, but this is kind of ridiculous. You should also note that this item is only returnable for 1 month after you purchase it. So I guess they don't expect it to last either. :(

My 9-month old LOVES this book! It's my "when all else fails" entertainment I use when he needs to be settled down. It has pulled us through tough times at the doctor's office and on long trips.My baby enjoys the simplistic, yet textural illustrations as well as the strange sounds the animals make. I confess, I bought a barnyard book before this one, thinking my baby would like cow and chicken sounds better than whatever sound a hippo makes, but for him there is no comparison. He really likes all the funky sounds in this book.Pros- durable pages- holds my baby's interest- sounds go in order with book (my barnyard book was all over the place with the sound line up)Cons- some reviewers have complained about battery problems, so check your book as soon as you get it so you will have time to send it back if there is an issue- no polar bear sound, which would be nice for the end of the story. I invent my own for the children in the end of the story. Come to think of it though, my son may view this as a PRO since it encourages a little bit of silliness on my part.I highly recommend this book!

The sounds stopped working with VERY little use. We changed the batteries to no avail. Lasted a matter of months being read maybe once a week. Toddler is used to the sounds, so he cried without them... and no one wants a broken book. Amazon wouldn’t do anything about it since the month return window had closed. Wouldn’t buy again or gift.

My 1 1/2 year old really likes 'brown bear' so I thought she would enjoy being able to push buttons (like ALL little kids do). The problem is the sounds are loud and scary. She now says 'too loud' when she sees the book. My 3 year old sometimes likes to read it, but in general I do not see this book being read much

Polar bear, polar bear what do you hear?....a five star rating. My son and I love reading and reciting this book all day long. We of course have the other Eric Carle books that are similar.

I found this book in a large wholesale club. I bought it for my then 14 month old grandson whose first word was "Roar" as in what does the lion say. He is now 2 1/5,and this is still his favorite. He reads it to himself and pushes the buttons and has me read it to him also. I bought another one from Amazon for my 8 month old grandson and I expect that he will love it as much as his cousin does. A wonderful book!

My 22 month old got 'brown bear brown bear' when she was 18 months and since then she has absolutely byhearted the book and recites it even when woken from sleep. Oh she also includes her own lyrics like 'Mickey mickey what do you see' or 'ducky ducky what do you see' 'mummy mummy what do you see'. Unfortunately the book was a paperback and it was so loved by her that it ended up in shreds.I wanted to replace it with a board book but didn't want to buy the same book and was scrolling down.... when.... tada!!!! 'Polar bear polar bear what do you hear!!??' I knew she would love it and she does... She hisses like a 'boconstitor' flutes like a 'famingo' and yelps like a peacock!! I can't be happier. Do buy!

I review baby books based on how much our little guy seems to like them and our 16 month old boy is entertained by this book but doesn't love it. He is entertained with pushing the buttons and hearing the sounds. Maybe as he grows he will become more engaged with this book. On a technically level, the sounds could be better, especially the snake, but they sound enough like the animal that it is still educational. And I really wish there was a polar bear button.

, by Bill Martin PDF
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, by Bill Martin Doc
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, by Bill Martin rtf
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, by Bill Martin PDF

, by Bill Martin PDF
, by Bill Martin PDF

Minggu, 19 September 2010


Free PDF Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology)

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Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology)

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Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology)

Product details

Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology (Book 304)

Hardcover: 576 pages

Publisher: Springer; 1991 edition (January 31, 1992)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0306440415

ISBN-13: 978-0306440410

Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,046,815 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology) PDF

Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology) PDF
Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contraction (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology) PDF

Jumat, 10 September 2010


Free PDF Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

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Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

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Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 7 hours and 13 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Abridged

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Release Date: May 12, 2004

Language: English, English

ASIN: B00029DI1C

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This book was written well and a quick read. I finished it in less than a week. From the time I started reading this book until I finished it I just had the hardest time coming to terms with how this woman killed her kids. I mean this woman killed all five of her kids with her own hands. She did this five times...five times. One by one in the bathtub. I just still can't believe she didn't think after the first or second drowning that this is not right and stop there but she kept going. You know those kids struggled especially the oldest one. He had to have fought back but she had the strength to over come his strength. I also had a hard time with not blaming her husband Rusty. She showed clear signs of post partum depression after the first child. I can't believe he just kept supporting the idea of getting pregnant over and over again. By the time I finished the book I was most sad because it could have all been prevented and those kids could still be alive. Metal illness is much more understood and accepted than it was 50 years ago but bottom line is no one wants to admit their own family member could actually be this ill to kill her own children. This book was very eye opening regarding mental illness, post partum depression and even religious groups. I have a lot of opinions about all of these issues but I won't get into all of them here. I would recommend the book but just know up front that it is a very sad, real life story and you won't walk away feeling happy when you are finished.

ARE YOU THERE ALONE by investigative reporter, Suzanne O'Malley, is a well-written, comprehensive look at the Andrea Yates case.I remember when Yates murdered her 5 children but did not read this book until 14 years later. So the facts of the case were mostly unknown to me. Therefore, I found the book to be fascinating and well-paced given the breadth of the detail provided.It is heartbreaking to recognize that this tragedy could perhaps have been avoided if only Yates had been diagnosed accurately sooner. She ends up being Bipolar I (which often gets misdiagnosed when manic phases don't present as extreme highs) instead of having Major Depression with psychotic features or Schizophrenia. So antidepressants without a mood stabiler could have exascerbated her condition throughout initial treatment. It ends up that lithium has served to better stabilize her condition-but sadly not until it was too late for the Yates children.Therefore, this is a very candid look at mental illness and treatment, noting all providers are not created equal. Neither are mental health facilities, as Yates is mostly treated at a hospital specializing in chemical depenency. For goodness sake, in addition to carelesss diagnosing Yates is daily sent to chemical dependency group sessions and aftercare. This for a woman who already kept getting off her meds.In addition, there's a lot of food for thought given with regard to the mental illness issues vs. knowing right from wrong at the time of the crime as a result of Yate's insanity defense.Unfortunately, the crazy religious teachings of the Woronieckis are thrown into the mix, which served to feed Yates delusions about salvation and saving her children. In addition the vagabond living conditions the Yates attempt to emulate from the Woronieckis heaps stress on an already volatile situation. So this was a disaster on many levels.ARE YOU THERE ALONE ends up being a cautionary tale about not only mental illness and the managed care system but also spiritual abuse. Both issues beg a person to use their gut instincts and change direction if things don't feel right.Finally, there are small issues I don't like about this book. The way the material is structured seems a little awkward and/or confusing at times. However, I overlook it due to the breadth of material included.In addition, quotes by Andrea Yates are randomly interspersed throughout with no direct connection to what's being discussed. Plus the comments don't give any additional insight into Yates, as there's plenty of direct quotes already included. So that's why I give this book four stars instead of five.

this is a fairly well-written book. I have two problems with it though. First off, quotes from Andrea Yates are dropped in the text willy nilly w/ no rhyme or reason. They are inset from the text but don't appear to have anything to do with what is being talked about. Quotes from Andrea could be very interesting if they were within some context but that is not the case.The bigger problem to me is how pro-Rusty this book is. On the one hand, I do think he loved his children and he did try to get his wife some psychiatric help (e.g., he administered meds, took her in for visits) but overall I think he bears a good bit of responsibility for the following reasons....Rusty is the one who introduced Andrea to the holy-rolling street-preaching couple who taught that women should not be the wives of their husbands, but instead their servants- who taught that women are all to blame for Eve's sin- and who taught that bad mothers are "Jezebels" who should kill themselves rather than lead their children astray (i.e., resort to violence). These people became Andrea's mentors and Rusty introduced her to them. Also, Rusty moved his family into a bus to "live light"- Andrea was raising four kids in trailers and buses w/ no running water and the kids had to sleep in the hold. No doubt this contributed to her stress and psychotic break. And long after she gave signs of being depressed, suicidal and psychotic, Rusty kept impregnating her (at least two of the kids after she started having issues). In short, Rusty, the sane one in the relationship, does bear some responsibility for this whole situation but the author is at pains to demonstrate what a "nice guy" he is. Meanwhile Andrea's doctors are nailed to the wall and held responsible! So yes, I think this book is a bit biased.

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Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates PDF

Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates PDF
Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates PDF

Jumat, 03 September 2010


Free Ebook Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert

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Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert

Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert

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Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert


“Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Who do you say I am?’ It’s a question each of us must answer. In a wonderfully readable and succinct manner, Greg Gilbert mines the pages of Scripture to consider the truth of Christ’s claims about himself. This is essential reading for the Christian and the seeker.”―Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family“Greg’s greatest asset is his ability to make profound things simple. As his book What Is the Gospel? helps us distinguish the true gospel from the false, so Who Is Jesus? helps us distinguish Christ as he presents himself from how we have remade him.”―J. D. Greear, author, Not God Enough; President, Southern Baptist Convention; Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina“There is no more important question in the cosmos than 'Who is Jesus?' Greg Gilbert, with brilliant mind and pastoral heart, unpacks that question step by step with both insight and accessibility. Whether you’re a skeptic looking into these things for the first time or a long-time believer, this book will drive you right to where we all need to go: to the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”―Russell D. Moore, President, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention“Clearly Christian, but more than polite and respectful to the skeptic, this book helps you consider Jesus carefully. Gilbert throws fresh light upon familiar scenes, joining facts with their significance. It is artful, yet plain and full of beautiful biblical theology. Here is an invitation to you the reader to come to know Jesus yourself.”―Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; President, 9Marks“This book does two things at once. It credibly places Jesus in the context of his own times, and shows why he cannot responsibly be left there. It is for those who have never thought about Jesus as well as those who think they know him all too well.”―Timothy George, Dean, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; general editor, Reformation Commentary on Scripture“This little book will be a great tool for introducing people, including the athletes I coach, to the most amazing person who ever lived!”―Coach Ron Brown, University of Nebraska“I am always looking for a short and clear book on the life of Jesus that I can put into the hands of someone wanting to truly know who he is and what he did. I now have it in Who Is Jesus? Greg Gilbert is right: ‘The story of Jesus is not the story of a good man. It is the story of a claimant to the throne.’ Consider the evidence presented in this work and see where it takes you.”―Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

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About the Author

Greg Gilbert (MDiv, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of What Is the Gospel?, James: A 12-Week Study, and Who Is Jesus?, and is the co-author (with Kevin DeYoung) of What Is the Mission of the Church?

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Product details

Series: 9Marks

Hardcover: 144 pages

Publisher: Crossway (January 31, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1433543508

ISBN-13: 978-1433543500

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.5 x 7 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

31 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#145,879 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Excellent book! Greg Gilbert does an excellent job introducing you to the historical Jesus, and highlights the importance and relevance of His claims. Highly recommended for skeptics to learn about this historical figure, recommended for new believers to learn about their Savior, and recommended for old saints to be refreshed by a joyful view of their King.

Not a bad book, people who claim Jesus never said he was god should read this one as it is great at chapter and verse

Great Christmas gift.

good concise explanation of the true gospel.

Best little book for a truly great description of who Jesus is.

Gotta love Jesus


Great book. So much knowledge about who Jesus is. whether you know Jesus or you want to know him this is great for all

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Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert PDF
Who Is Jesus? (9Marks), by Greg Gilbert PDF

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